Hello Community,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is excited to announce the release of our new InterSystems IRIS SQL Specialist exam. It is now available for purchase and scheduling in InterSystems exam catalog. Potential candidates can review the exam topics and the practice questions to help orient them to exam question approaches and content. Candidates who successfully pass the exam will receive a digital certification badge that can be shared on social media accounts like LinkedIn. <--break->

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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems IRIS Vector Search and the Python Ecosystem @ Global Summit 2024

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Hey Community,

We're excited to introduce a new series of videos dedicated to Gen AI on our InterSystems Developers YouTube:

3 GenAI Model Training Opportunities

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Hi, Community!

What components and libraries can you add to your retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) applications? Find out in this video:

Identifying Useful Components for Your Generative AI Application

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