Hi Elisha,
I happened to have worked on a somehow similar request recently, even if not with the use of the FTP adapter within a production, but with the %Net.FtpSession class directly.
The short answer is probably that we do have support for the "new" SSLUseSessionResumption property, starting with the IRIS 2022.1 release.
The matching documentation in the %Net.FtpSession class:
property SSLUseSessionResumption
Using the 2022.1 release, and the %Net.FtpSession class, you could adapt your code to include an extra set on the matching property, like "set ftp.SSLUseSessionResumption = 1"
In order to use the same property within the FTP adapter, it gets a bit more complex:
the matching change will come into the product with the 2022.2+ releases.
I would suggest that you perform a quick test using the %Net.FtpSession class in a 2022.1 installation, just to confirm that the use of the SSLUseSessionResumption property will allow the code to connect to your specific SFTP server.
Once you have that confirmed, you will probably want to open a WRC Support request to see if the change could be made available into your current release.
To get a list of the built-in aliases, try ":?", this is from 2021.1 for example:
:<number> Recall command # <number>
:? Display help
:alias Create/display aliases
:clear Clear history buffer
:history Display command history
:unalias Remove aliases
Note how indeed we don't have :sql in the 2021.1 release, it came later..
@Addy Naik, your request caught my attention last week, and even if I don't usually interact with the HealthShare container images, I was curious on the "iris: instance 'IRIS' not found" error:
why would "IRIS" not be there in the first place?
Well, it actually makes sense, once you know that the default name for an HS installation isn't "IRIS, but something "HS*" related:
in the case of the "healthshare_unifiedcarerecord_insight_patientindex" image, the default name is "HSUCR""
As such, the "solution" to get your "docker compose" to complete requires to specify a custom instance name with the option
--instance "HSUCR"
But, the actual answer that you are looking for is probably a much more complex deployment scenario for HS UCR, and on that front I can only point you to the matching documentation:
"Preparing to Deploy a Unified Care Record Instance"
We seem to also have a quite complete example on GitHub:
Hopefully this points you in the correct direction
For completeness, there is an existing Community article detailing a good debugging approach:
"Debugging a crashing container"