The %Statement class doesn't apply to your idea of multiple update executions because the code uses a "sql" variable with its subscripts 1 and 2 as code snippets for concatenation of the full command.
According to your needs, I used the %ResultSet class in the example below and in the "sql" variable assigns a complete update command to each subscriber.
ClassMethod MultipleUpdate() As %Status { Try { Set sql = 2,tSC = $$$OK Set sql(1) = "UPDATE Cinema.Theater SET TheaterName = 'Theater A',AdultPrice=3 WHERE ID = 10" Set sql(2) = "UPDATE Cinema.Theater SET TheaterName = 'Theater B',AdultPrice=9 WHERE ID = 11" Set key=$Order(sql("")) While (key'="") { Set tResult = ##class(%ResultSet).%New() Do tResult.Prepare(sql(key)) Set tSC = tResult.Execute() Set key = $ORDER(sql(key)) } } Catch(tException) { #DIM tException As %Exception.AbstractException; Set tSC = tException.AsStatus() } Quit tSC }
Documentation References:
%SQL.Statement - Intersystems Documentation
%ResultSet - Intersystems Documentation
Hi Rochdi, the command that you looking for is "Do ^%G":
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@Kevin McGinn, use the recommendations passed by @Robert Cemper
and you need to pass "*" on Execute() method, sample works code below:
set rs=##class(%ResultSet).%New()
set rs.ClassName="Security.Users"
set rs.QueryName="Detail"
//Alternatively, you can bind the result set object to a query
//set rs=##class(%ResultSet).%New("Security.Users:Detail")
set sc=rs.Execute("*")
If $$$ISERR(sc) Do DisplayError^%apiOBJ(sc) Quit sc
While rs.%Next()
;===== Fields can be used
w rs.Get("Name")_" - "_rs.Get("FullName")_" - "_rs.Get("Enabled")_" - "_rs.Get("LastInvalidLoginDevice")_" - Roles:"_rs.Get("Roles"),!
Quit $$$OK
Version: Ensemble 2017.2.2
I believe the same works for you, I searched this link on documentation (Cache 2017):
Caché & Ensemble 2017.1 - Documentation - Security.Users