Question chenna velagala · Feb 18, 2021 Unable to update or set property value using sql query I have one block of code that not working as it was supposed to in in SQL. I am using it in a routine #SQL #Ensemble 0 11 0 451
Question chenna velagala · Feb 18, 2021 Can I get currently running Jobs on a particular business host and hold them in a variable I am working on automating to pick all the jobs running particular business process and kill them by using a routine. #Business Process (BPL) #HealthShare 0 3 0 299
Question chenna velagala · Jun 23, 2017 Creating Dashboard using zen Page Hi, I am trying to create a new dashboard using zen page for different namespaces. Could someone give me a sample code on how I can start designing the page for different namespaces in a single zen page/zen application. #Frontend #ZEN #Ensemble 0 6 0 557