Personally, I would do this via Source Control and not via Studio.  The approach to this will depend on your source control structures, etc, but the easiest way to handle this for me would be:

1) Make sure that everything in my package was checked into my branch, e.g. /MyApp/cls/MyFirstPackage/...

2) Since my source tree is structured according to package names, I would copy /MyApp/cls/MyFirstPackage/... to /MyApp/cls/MySecondPackage/... 

3) Check in /MyApp/cls/MySecondPackage/... into source control

4) Check out /MyApp/cls/MySecondPackage/... 

5) Do a Find & Replace in /MyApp/cls/MySecondPackage/... to replace all instances of "MyFirstPackage" with "MySecondPackage"

6) Diff /MyApp/cls/MySecondPackage/...  and make sure all replacements are desired

7) Check in /MyApp/cls/MySecondPackage/... 

8) Run my build routine to pull all of /MyApp/cls/MySecondPackage/...  into my namespace and Compile it (or just use $system.OBJ.LoadDir() if you don't already have a build routine)

Voila!  Package is duplicated and all checked into source control ready for further changes :) The above process should only take a couple of minutes.


See the Documatic for the following methods in %Studio.SourceControl.ISC:

classmethod Lock(Admin As %Boolean = 0) as %Status

Lock the source control hooks for this instance.

The default setting will be "Locked". Passing a '1' for the Admin parameter will set the instance to AdminLocked.

See Locked for more details.

classmethod Locked() as %String

Returns value that shows whether or not this instance is "Locked"

Return values are:

  • "": Instance has never been Locked or Unlocked (default)
  • 0: Instance is Unlocked
  • 1: Instance is Locked
  • 2: Instance is AdminLocked

When the instance is Locked or AdminLocked, no changes can be made via Studio. It is possible to change from Locked to NotLocked via different UIs. When an instance is AdminLocked it should only be possible to unlock it via the Unlock method.

classmethod Unlock() as %Status

Unlock the source control hooks for this instance.

This is not a Caché utility - it must be supplied by your application partner.  Also, the AP must be storing their own users at the application level because if they were using Caché users there would be no way to create a utility that shows Caché users' passwords (see Patrick's answer below).

I suggest you reach out to your application partner with this question (or if it is an inhouse development, speak with the development team)


Have you looked at the details in the Caché SQL manual about optimizing performance:

Play particular attention to the section about using TuneTable to properly set the meta-data around table extent size, selectivity, etc.  Lot of people miss this and it's very important because the query plans rely on this metadata to optimize performance.  

Playing around with it a little bit, I came to the following conclusions:

- *some* pages rely on the $Namespace url parameter in order to initialize what namespace it is pulling data from

- this doesn't appear to be stored in the session (and therefore it isn't shared between tab); I think it is only effective in the url

- there are some pages which don't honor the $Namespace url parameter (e.g. they still show %SYS even if $Namespace is defined to a different value); this is probably because those pages don't act on any namespace-specific data (or they act on data which lives ONLY in %SYS)

It sounds like if you want to keep your tabs in sync, you should put something in the session, and switch namespaces in your page logic.  Probably in OnPreHttp (although you'd need to test to make sure that the namespace sticks for the OnPage method as well)


For years this was the official InterSystems-sponsored site for this type of thing:

However, it looks rather empty at the moment (I think things expire after 6 months or something like that).  It wouldn't hurt to post your position there - perhaps with increased advertising on the Developer Community this will pick up in its usage again.




For a version of Caché this old (circa 2002) I strongly suggest that you contact the WRC directly for assistance (  That will be your best bet to getting your system back online as quickly as possible.

Please feel free to report back here as to the root cause and resolution for what you're seeing.



I am not sure about the "access denied" message you are seeing - perhaps Paul could comment on that.  However, to manage all of your subscriptions:

1) Log in

2) Click on My Account (top icon bar)

3) Click on the Subscriptions tab

Then I strongly recommend that you click "Settings" and Uncheck "Digest Mode".  The Digest emails are really not very usable (IMHO) and work has been done to make the individual emails more useful - you may find those to be better and closer to what you are used to in the Google Groups (assuming you didn't use Digest in Google Groups).  

Under the "Page / Threads" tab you can unsubscribe to the threads you are no longer interested in.  

I hope that helps.  The email update mechanism has come a long way but it still has quite a ways to go.  There is work that will be commencing shortly to enable HTML based email which should be an improvement as well.