· Aug 10, 2018
Ensemble - Username


Not sure if is possible, but I am trying to find the way to show in the log the username of whoever enable a specific service. The idea is that a service is normally disabled..if someone enable it, the username will be reported to the log...

I have tried with $username but it only return "_Ensemble" when running from ensemble although it works in Studio.


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I am using a standard EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation to create files based on HL7 messages but I just realised that lines in the output file only contain CR (Character Return) but no LF (Line Feed). It is really important to have both as another system picking those files will fail otherwise...

Is there any way to configure this?


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I wonder if you could help me with a problem with persistent globals and journals.

We have a few interfaces using a persistent global just to translate some codes. The use of that global is like a lookup interface calls a method that search for a field (in the message) in the global. If found, the code is translated with another field from the global.

The format of the global is something like:

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I have a service that I need to receive notifications from when the service has started. Usually this service will be off, but when started a need a method to be called so I can email and be alerted. The only method I know I can use is " OnProcessInput" but this is when an input is received (new file, new message...) but I could not find any events to deal when the service starts...I tried "OnInit" but does not seems to work...any ideas?

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I have a business service that needs to run only once a day at an specific time. It is important that the service only runs once.

I have tried the scheduler but you can only define the times (start-stop) when the service will be this will not work for me as I need this to run only once.

Looking at the documentation I found "tasks". Apparently this is exactly what I need. As per documentation:

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I am working on a custom service that reads from a file and import content into a global. The problem is that global is also used by other processes. I have been trying to find any way to stop/disable a process from cache code so after reading the file, process is stopped, global updated and then process is restored. But I could not find anything, just to start/stop the whole production

Do ##class(Ens.Director).StopProduction()

Any ideas if this is something that can be done in ensemble?


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