· Jan 21, 2020

Hi there,
We need your help, in the build pivot with DMX, we don't can run the pivot. The MDX use is:

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[CondicionesContCompleta] AS ( IIf([Measures].[CondicionesContCompleta] = Null, 0,[Measures].[CondicionesContCompleta] ) ) SELECT NON EMPTY ( [Gerencia].Gerencia].[Gerencia] ) ON ROWS, NON EMPTY ( [Measures].[CondicionesContCompleta] ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Condiciones]

and when we executed the pivot display the next dialog.

Error#5001: Expected operator within tuple: ('SELECT' @pos 156)(2)

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· Jun 28, 2018
Filter in table


is there way when select a value in filter column and the second column filter use only value referred to the first selection??

we use to active filter to column in table, but not know how relationship the filter between columns of table.

only in the table context in zen page.

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