The prerequisites for the InterSystems HL7 Interface Specialist certification include the training course and "At least 6 months - 1 year designing, building, and performing basic troubleshooting of HL7 interfaces with InterSystems products version 2019.1 or higher."

Actual/real experience will definitely help in passing the certification, theoretical study and some exercise may not be enough to gain the knowledge required.

In the exam description page you can find a list of "Exam Topics and Content". All questions in the exam belong to those topics.

Last but not least, everything is contained in the documentation.

If you are using HealthShare, and I do believe so, please read the following documentation (login required):

Custom Authentication Processing using the Local ZAUTHENTICATE

There you will find:


The ZAUTHENTICATE provided with HealthShare includes callbacks that allow you to add custom processing at specific entry points. Do not modify the supplied ZAUTHENTICATE. Instead, add your callback processing as class methods in the class HS.Local.ZAUTHENTICATE

I don't think there is a callback method available.

One option could be to subclass %CSP.REST and use your subclass instead of %CSP.REST.

You subclass can be something like:

Class MyCustomCSP.REST Extends %CSP.REST

ClassMethod DispatchRequest(url As %String, method As %String, forwarded As %Boolean = 0, args...) As %Status
	Set sc=##super(url,method,forwarded,.args)
	; your "onPostDispatch" code here 
	Quit sc


In fact, for simple XML export (no namespace and other amenities) you can just use XMLExport*() methods.

ClassMethod test()
	Set message=##class(Mensajes.Response.Radiologia.NumeroOrdenAcodigoSERAMResponse).%New()
	Set message.resultado.codigo="06050301"
	Set message.resultado.error=##class(EsquemasDatos.Seguridad.Error).%New()
	Set message.resultado.error.codigo=0
	Set message.resultado.error.descripcion="Proceso realizado correctamente"
	Set sc=message.resultado.XMLExportToString(.string)
    ; handle sc error here

	Write string,!!
	; convert XML string back to object
    Set reader = ##class(%XML.Reader).%New()
    Set sc=reader.OpenString(string)
    ; handle sc error here
    Do reader.Correlate("resultado","EsquemasDatos.Radiologia.Resultado")
    Do reader.Next(.ReturnObject,.sc)
    ; handle sc error here
    Write "ReturnObject is of type ",ReturnObject.%ClassName(1),!
    do ReturnObject.XMLExport(,",indent")


Do ##class(Mensajes.Response.Radiologia.NumeroOrdenAcodigoSERAMResponse).test()
<resultado><error><codigo>0</codigo><descripcion>Proceso realizado correctamente</descripcion></error><codigo>06050301</codigo></resultado>
ReturnObject is of type EsquemasDatos.Radiologia.Resultado
    <descripcion>Proceso realizado correctamente</descripcion>