I programmed some server command by my own. That server commands worked fine for a long time.

Suddonly I received

Studio Action "Attempted Edit" not supported on[CTAE01]

by using one of my server commands.

There is an explanation:

Error running command vscode-objectscript.serverCommands.contextOther: Running the contributed command: 'vscode-objectscript.serverCommands.contextOther' failed.. This is likely caused by the extension that contributes vscode-objectscript.serverCommands.contextOther.

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I checked out a Git-Branch and want to Import all Objectscript-Objects to my localhost.

While using Import without Compilation I receive a lot of errors.

request to failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED

While using Import and Compile I receive much more of this errors.

Is there a setting, that I have to key in?

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