Question Ankita JAin · May 31, 2017 Unit Testing Passed/Failed Status from the Terminal Is there any methods/ways through which will get to know whether any of the Unit Test cases is/are failing in the Terminal with status as either 0 or False in case of Failure & 1 or Ture in case of Test Passes (we are getting an url of the csp page with the report which has the passed failed status) as we need to send this failure status to Jenkins for the Build to Fail (where in we have acheived this part in making the build failure/success based on harcoded boolean) #Beginner #Continuous Integration #Object Data Model #Terminal #Caché 0 2 0 723
Question Ankita JAin · May 31, 2017 Unit test in InterSystems with Jenkins Hi ,I am stuck with unit test failure with intersystem . In case of unit test failure, the build in jenkins is succeding while the build in jenkins should fail in case unit test failure .In cache programming i am using %UnitTest.Manager class and DebugRunTestCase method within it. I'm able to link studio with jenkins. I wanna fail my build in jenkins, if any of the test cases fails. Could anyone help? #Continuous Integration #Caché 1 14 0 1.7K