go to post Ivan Tioh · Apr 11, 2017 In case anyone else facing the same issue and for future reference, I include here with my workaround for the error here.I managed to solve it by referring to this forum (Link: http://www.progtown.com/post37004192.html#p37004192)I have simply done the following:Copy all DLL from folder <cachesys>\dev\cpp\lib to <python installation path>\Lib\site-packages\intersysAlthough I not sure whether how legit is this solution, but this is currently a logical and plausible workaround for the problem I faced here.Regards,Ivan
go to post Ivan Tioh · Apr 11, 2017 Class my_class Extends %Persistent{Property my_property As %List;} From Cache, I normally update my_property field with $lb($lb(...),$lb(...),...) data. So, I was expecting the following behaviors:PythonCacheResult[1,2,3]$lb(1,2,3)OK[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]$lb($lb(1,2,3),$lb(4,5,6))Error
go to post Ivan Tioh · Apr 6, 2017 Thank you for your comment. I have no issue with reading the output. The problem I have is regarding the DLL error. From what I understand, $zf invokes OS shell which should be equivalent to CMD. So why is running same script via these 2 approaches give 1 success 1 error. Am I missing some configurations/parameters for $zf?
go to post Ivan Tioh · Apr 6, 2017 Basically, I am trying to do some processing in Python when certain action is triggered from frontend CSP, and then return output back up to interface.