Hello Chao,

This was a very interesting article.  I wanted to know if you had any more examples or pointers in respects to using the following commands, ‘Test’, ‘If empty’, ‘On error’, ‘Goto’, ‘Subroutine’.  Every time I try to use the ‘Test’ and ‘If empty’ and the ‘On error’ and ‘Timer’ commands they never seem to work.  I have read the documentation provided by Intersys many times with no success.  Do you know if Intersys offers any courses or tutorials in creating terminal commands and scripts?  If anything a few more examples could do the trick.  Do you know what is the root language from which the cterm/IRISterm terminal is originally derived from?  I have been using terminal scripts for the Centricity Business IDX product

Thanks for your help,

Raul Munoz

Hey Mike,  

I bought the first part of your book; I am still working through it.  Once I am done with the first part, I will move on to this second part; as matter of fact how I got the idea of reaching to you on a small matter that I have encountered.  I have been involved with using terminal scripts lately (I use GE Centricity Business), that usually do not go beyond 'send:' and 'wait for:' commands.  But I have been stuck with the message boxes since the script recorder does not record when I click 'Yes' in a message box prompt and aggressively stops my scripts/macros from continuing.  I know that this commands are labeled 'Extended Escape Sequences', but I have been looking all over the Intersystems documentation with no luck in finding anything of the sort.  I have however, found documentations for the regular terminal scripts in this address: 'http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=...'.  Could you help out with any feedback that could enable me to use some sort of terminal script command or extended escape sequence, for that matter, that could help me script a mouse click or at least understand it.  I would really appreciate your help on this, thanks and keep up the great work.


Raul Munoz