I set  

Set httpRequest.Server = "
 Set httpRequest.Port = "8080 

Request from OS          Set status = httpRequest.Post("/collect_patient_information")

from the server side log   

Response - - [25/Feb/2024 10:44:58] "POST /collect_patient_information HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Status on ObjectScript on Response. 

httpRequest: application/json 2@%Library.GlobalBinaryStream status: 0 %«ý!e^zOpen+59^%Net.HttpRequest.1^2!e^zSend+30^%Net.HttpRequest.1^1 e^zPost+1^%Net.HttpRequest.1^1%e^zCollectInfo+20^OBHG.AIR.Main.1^1'e^zGetPatientInfo+2^OBHG.AIR.Main.1^1 e^zOnStart+3^OBHG.AIR.Main.1^1&d^zDebugStub+40^%Debugger.System.1^1d^^^0 statusline: reasonPhrase: StatusReasonPhrase: HTTP request failed with status code: Response:

Something is getting lost between Server  Python and client OS

1.  User searches for patient on clinical viewer

2. Patient Not Found

3. Form pops up to fill in patient demographic information

4. Submit button is pushed

5. Data sent to backend for processing

6. Backend authenticates user through IRIS authentication or delegated authentication (AD/LDAP/local)

7. After authentication, HL7 message is built

8. A request is constructed to be sent to Health Connect Service API

9. The constructed request containing HL7 message is sent to the API

10 The API endpoint handles the request, triggering Health Connect workflow