Question sam v · Jun 27, 2017 How to create translation profile for HL7 to SDA in Healthshare Hi,We are wondering how to create translation profile for HL7 to SDA in "HEALTH SHARE". can you please help us with the class definition containing the mapping for that(so that we can import directly and understand the mapping).Thanks,Sam #HL7 #Mapping #Object Data Model #HealthShare 0 3 0 1.2K
Question sam v · Jun 1, 2017 Use HTTP Request/Response in Ensemble Production Hi,We are trying to feed in HTTP request & get HTTP Response in ensemble production.From the below link we got the code for HTTP Request/Response Example. while executing the code we are getting following error: "ERROR <Ens>ErrFailureTimeout: FailureTimeout of 30 seconds exceeded in Test.HTTP.Operation; status from last attempt was ERROR #5922: Timed out waiting for response" #Ensemble 0 2 0 914