go to post Steffen Brumm · Aug 8, 2017 Its something like a backup tool that saves the last 5 versions of a class/table/routine made by my colleague some years ago.
go to post Steffen Brumm · Aug 8, 2017 Do you use an issue tracking / collaboration system? If so which one. Any you would recommend or immediately dismiss based on personal experience?We have outlook tasksHow do you keep track of large code bases? Thousdands of folders named backup1, backups2, ..., SVN, git?a homemade tool Do you have a development server to which you commit and test features there, or do you rather run a local copy of caché and implement features locally first, then push to the server?we develop everywhere (dev/test/prod) and mixtures.
go to post Steffen Brumm · Feb 10, 2017 fixme: - messages are for wine-devs. They mean that there are unimplemented or at least not 100% implemented functions. Most of them are harmless but in your case i assume that "wtsapi:WTSQuerySessionInformationA " is not implemented yet.
go to post Steffen Brumm · Feb 3, 2017 I see 2 other problems here. Today's Developer have in their IDE a plugin (or as part of the ide) which supports the creation of packages. And for the success of the COS-package manager it is important to have such a plugin (at least for atelier) too.2nd: Some Cache -opensource tools have serious bugs(e.g. the cache class explorer destroys on 2016.1. the creation of soap-clients in studio) . Therefore it must be checked that all used 3rd-party-libs doesnt destroy something.
go to post Steffen Brumm · Jan 18, 2017 I answer my own Question. There is a much better way for Unittests than via XML-Export. When you add "Projection <yourNameHere> As %Projection.Java" then you get Java-Wrapper for your Classes. And so you can use JUnit (or similiar things) to write unittests . Additionally you can automate the Tests.
go to post Steffen Brumm · Jan 9, 2017 Yes, i know. Do you really mean that i have to export the Unittests via <File> -> <Export> ? That would be complicated but ok.