Steffen is an Avid Reader. No contributions for 2024.
Without a doubt, there will be something to
share on the Community in 2025!
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Member since Jan 9, 2017
  • Do you use an issue tracking / collaboration system? If so which one. Any you would recommend or immediately dismiss based on personal experience?

We have outlook tasks

  • How do you keep track of large code bases? Thousdands of folders named backup1, backups2, ..., SVN, git?

a homemade tool


  • Do you have a development server to which you commit and test features there, or do you rather run a local copy of caché and implement features locally first, then push to the server?

we develop everywhere (dev/test/prod) and mixtures.

Certifications & Credly badges:
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Global Masters badges:
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Steffen has not followed anybody yet.