Question Adam Raszkiewicz · Oct 29, 2024 git-source-control configuration for remote development How do you configure it to have source control on a namespace accessed via the InterSystems Server Manager extension? An example from the video explains only how it will work with a cloned git repo on a local machine (PC/Mac), but so far, I can't get it to work on a remote development server (replacing existing remote Studio via RDP with local VS Code). #Git #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 2 0 139
Question Adam Raszkiewicz · Jul 26, 2024 IRIS code and GitLab CICD Pipeline I was watching this video about IRIS and GitHub and all is clear to me how it works and how code from each branch is getting deployed to each IRIS environment but the process to deploy is manual. My question is how can I, if possible, to utilize gti-source-control from GitLab CICD pipeline to deploy code automaticaly after PR approval instead going to the Git UI? Thanks #Continuous Delivery #Continuous Integration #GitHub #InterSystems IRIS for Health #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 286
Question Adam Raszkiewicz · Nov 14, 2023 Which process notify Web Gateway when to switch to secondary/mirror IRIS Which process notify Web Gateway when to switch to secondary/mirror IRIS? I'm trying to debug a case when the web gateway doesn't know about primary IRIS failure and is trying to send request to that instance which is causing 500 error. Also, no clue why at the same time I see that GET request to /csp/bin/mirror_status.cxw will return 200 OK. #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 190
Question Adam Raszkiewicz · Oct 17, 2023 Running IRIS for Health in docker container with durable %SYS volume I'm trying to run IRIS for Health Community Edition container on Mac (Apple chip) as follows #Containerization #Docker #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 4 0 498
Question Adam Raszkiewicz · Sep 6, 2023 How to mirror DB between two VMs using APIs? Is it possible to configure mirror of the DB between two VMs using APIs like that one? I assume, based on the description, it can be done but on the same instance but I'm not sure how to do that for two separate VMs. I know how to use IRIS portal and set up Mirrored Members connections but now trying to automate that process. Thanks! #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 180
Question Adam Raszkiewicz · Aug 28, 2023 Variable as a property value When creating the db using the Properties array, if I use a literal like "/iris/db/<instance name>/<directoryname>" it's created in the correct directory. set Properties("Directory")="/iris/db/InstanceName/DirectoryName" #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 5 0 196
Question Adam Raszkiewicz · Aug 18, 2023 GetEnviron() on CentOS Why I'm not getting OS level environmental variable in the IRIS for below actions: CentOS termial: [root@]# export TEST="test"[root@]# echo $TESTtest[root@]# iris session MYIRIS Node: myiris01, Instance: MYIRIS Username: UserPassword: ********NSPACE>s test = $SYSTEM.Util.GetEnviron("TEST") NSPACE>w test NSPACE> #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 8 0 166