· Nov 1, 2021
Cloudflare and CSP


Has anyone experienced any issues when using Cloudflare in front of a csp application?

I keep getting 502 errors when Cloudflare is active?

Strangely, the SMP works but only if I remove the trailing question mark from the url but it doesn't resolve the issue when I try any other csp application URL's.

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Hi All,

I'm being asked if I can set up a AWS EC2 containerised version of IRIS and a separate AWS EC2 installation of Apache to serve IRIS web files.

Creating the Apache EC2 and containerised IRIS EC2 is the simple bit but getting them both to talk to each other does not seem quite so simple and I cannot find any documentation to describe how this can be achieved.

Has anyone else managed to achieve this?

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I have a process that is importing lots of data from an external file, but every now and then I come across a STORE error.

I know that the STORE error is occurring in the %Save method of the class but I know very little else and I think its something to do with a lage amounts of Related Objects.

Is there a method of finding out more information regarding this error i.e. which actual object was being saved etc etc.



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