Question Victoria Castillo · May 10, 2024 Is there a VSCode equivalent to the Studio SOAP Wizard? I don't have a current project where I am needing to create a new operation that uses SOAP at the moment but as someone who still has some SOAP connections in her Production, I was curious if VSCode had an equivalent to the SOAP Wizard that helped create all of the SOAP classes needed based on the provided WSDL? Does anyone know? Or has this become a manual process? Thanks in advance for help curbing my curiosity! #SOAP #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 207
Article Victoria Castillo · Mar 19, 2024 5m read How to create Data Lookup Tables using the SQL Data Import Wizard I have been walking through this with a few team members and as such I thought there might be others out there who could use it, especially if you work with HL7 & Ensemble/HealthConnect/HealthShare and never venture out past the Interoperability section. #Interoperability #Management Portal #SQL #Tips & Tricks #Tools #Tutorial #Ensemble #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 5 1 1 442