go to post Eyal Levin · May 2, 2024 Thanks Marc, that was exactly what I was trying to say, you just explained it much better now
go to post Eyal Levin · Apr 18, 2024 Hi Kevin, here is an example of my procedure create procedure bidata.spObservationOS(IN maxDate VARCHAR) RESULT SETS LANGUAGE OBJECTSCRIPT{ do $system.SQL.Execute("TRUNCATE table bidata.ObservationsStg") do $system.SQL.Execute("INSERT %NOINDEX into bidata.ObservationsStg (ID, IssuedTime, Key, ObservationCategoryCode, ObservationCategoryDisplay, ObservationCode, ObservationCodeText, ObservationDisplay, ObservationEncounterReference, ObservationIdentifier, ObservationLastUpdated, ObservationSpecimenReference, ObservationStatus, ObservationSubjectReference, ObservationValueCode, ObservationValueDisplay, ObservationValueText, PerformerDisplay, PerformerIdentifier) select ID, IssuedTime, Key, ObservationCategoryCode, ObservationCategoryDisplay, ObservationCode, ObservationCodeText, ObservationDisplay, ObservationEncounterReference, ObservationIdentifier, ObservationLastUpdated, ObservationSpecimenReference, ObservationStatus, ObservationSubjectReference, ObservationValueCode, ObservationValueDisplay, ObservationValueText, PerformerDisplay, PerformerIdentifier FROM BIProjection.Observation where ObservationLastUpdated > maxDate") do $system.SQL.Execute("BUILD INDEX FOR TABLE bidata.ObservationsStg") do $system.SQL.Execute("UPDATE bidata.Observations set p.IssuedTime = s.IssuedTime, p.ObservationCategoryCode = s.ObservationCategoryCode, p.ObservationCategoryDisplay = s.ObservationCategoryDisplay, p.ObservationCode = s.ObservationCode, p.ObservationCodeText = s.ObservationCodeText, p.ObservationDisplay = s.ObservationDisplay, p.ObservationEncounterReference = s.ObservationEncounterReference, p.ObservationIdentifier = s.ObservationIdentifier, p.ObservationLastUpdated = s.ObservationLastUpdated, p.ObservationSpecimenReference = s.ObservationSpecimenReference, p.ObservationStatus = s.ObservationStatus, p.ObservationSubjectReference = s.ObservationSubjectReference, p.ObservationValueCode = s.ObservationValueCode, p.ObservationValueDisplay = s.ObservationValueDisplay, p.ObservationValueText = s.ObservationValueText, p.PerformerDisplay = s.PerformerDisplay, p.PerformerIdentifier = s.PerformerIdentifier from bidata.Observations p join bidata.ObservationsStg s on p.ID = s.ID") do $system.SQL.Execute("INSERT %NOINDEX into bidata.Observations (ID, IssuedTime, Key, ObservationCategoryCode, ObservationCategoryDisplay, ObservationCode, ObservationCodeText, ObservationDisplay, ObservationEncounterReference, ObservationIdentifier, ObservationLastUpdated, ObservationSpecimenReference, ObservationStatus, ObservationSubjectReference, ObservationValueCode, ObservationValueDisplay, ObservationValueText, PerformerDisplay, PerformerIdentifier) SELECT ID, IssuedTime, Key, ObservationCategoryCode, ObservationCategoryDisplay, ObservationCode, ObservationCodeText, ObservationDisplay, ObservationEncounterReference, ObservationIdentifier, ObservationLastUpdated, ObservationSpecimenReference, ObservationStatus, ObservationSubjectReference, ObservationValueCode, ObservationValueDisplay, ObservationValueText, PerformerDisplay, PerformerIdentifier FROM bidata.ObservationsStg where ID not in (select ID from bidata.Observations)") do $system.SQL.Execute("BUILD INDEX FOR TABLE bidata.Observations") do $system.SQL.Execute("UPDATE BIData.seqRunLog set LastRunTime = (select max(ObservationLastUpdated) from BIData.ObservationsStg) where processName = 'Observation'") } in the studio it looks like spObservationOS(maxDate As String(MAXLEN=1)) I had to manually change the maxlen
go to post Eyal Levin · Apr 11, 2024 Hi Vitaliy, I'm not using the TRUNCATE parameter, the class is created automatically with the create table. I'm trying to raise an awareness to the different behavior between the JDBC/ODBC and the SQL GUI.
go to post Eyal Levin · Apr 9, 2024 Just wondering, did you look at the table (class) ERP.Arquivos definition? what is the MAXLEN of Blob? I had an issue of that sort where MAXLEN only affects odbc/jdbc data hth, Eyal
go to post Eyal Levin · Mar 15, 2024 Keep in mind that there are jdbc versions and you will need to keep it updated, and maybe have several versions, other than that, great Idea
go to post Eyal Levin · Feb 28, 2024 Thanks Russ, I didn't want to link between patients, I wanted to pass all data from one patient to another and to mark the "empty" patient as inactive
go to post Eyal Levin · Feb 28, 2024 Thanks Dean, I don't see merge operation in R4, only on R5. I didn't want to link between patients, I wanted to pass all data from one patient to another and to mark the "empty" patient as inactive
go to post Eyal Levin · Feb 1, 2024 It's a kubernetes setup, I can't use shadow copy or something like that Thanks Eyal
go to post Eyal Levin · Jan 30, 2024 ok, so I need my post script to return something other than 0 so commvault knows it actually failed Thanks Ambrogio
go to post Eyal Levin · Jan 30, 2024 Hi Ambrogio, here are my scripts:Pre: #!/bin/bash LOG_DIR=~/Commvault_backupLOG_FILE=$LOG_DIR/backup-log_$(date +'%d-%m-%y').txtmkdir -p $LOG_DIR 2>/dev/nulltouch $LOG_FILEif [ `hostname | grep data` ]; then #Freeze Write Daemon echo -e "##################################\n" | tee -a $LOG_FILE >> /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log echo "Freezing IRIS Write Daemon" | tee -a $LOG_FILE >> /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log iris session iris -U%SYS "##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze(,,,,,,,,,480)" status=$? if [[ $status -eq 5 ]]; then echo -e "$(date +'%m/%d/%y-%T.%3N') (Wizards) [Backup.Event] [Commvault Backup] IRIS WD IS FROZEN Performing backup (UTC time! +03:00) STATUS = $status (need to be 5) " | tee -a $LOG_FILE >> /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log while [ true ]; do if [ "$(tail -n 1 /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log | grep "Journal File Compression" | awk '{print $8}')" = "Compressed" ]; then echo -e "$(date +'%m/%d/%y-%T.%3N') (Wizards) [Backup.Event] [Commvault Backup] Running... " | tee -a $LOG_FILE >> /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log echo -e "$(date +'%m/%d/%y-%T.%3N') (Wizards) [Backup.Event] [Commvault Backup] Starting Backup... (UTC time! +03:00) " | tee -a $LOG_FILE >> /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log break fi done elif [[ $status -eq 3 ]]; then echo -e "$(date +'%m/%d/%y-%T.%3N') (Wizards) [Backup.Event] [Commvault Backup] IRIS WD FREEZE FAILED (UTC time! +03:00) STATUS = $status (need to be 5)" | tee -a $LOG_FILE >> /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log exit 1 fi echo else echo -e "Not data Pod" | tee -a $LOG_FILE fi The question is how do I tell commvault that it's backup actually failed? thanks, Eyal Post: #!/bin/bashLOG_DIR=~/Commvault_backupLOG_FILE=$LOG_DIR/backup-log_$(date +'%d-%m-%y').txtmkdir -p $LOG_DIR 2>/dev/nulltouch $LOG_FILEif [ `hostname | grep data` ]; then #Thaw Write Daemon echo -e "\nThaw Write Daemon" | tee -a $LOG_FILE >> /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log iris session iris -U%SYS "##Class(Backup.General).ExternalThaw()" status=$? if [[ $status -eq 5 ]]; then while [ true ]; do if [ "$(tail -n 1 /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log | grep "Backup.General.ExternalThaw: System resumed" | awk '{print $6,$7}')" = "System resumed" ]; then echo -e "$(date +'%m/%d/%y-%T.%3N') (Wizards) [Backup.Event] [Commvault Backup] IRIS WD IS THAW! (UTC time! +03:00) STATUS = $status (need to be 5) " | tee -a $LOG_FILE >> /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log break else echo "wait" fi done elif [[ $status -eq 3 ]]; then echo -e "$(date +'%m/%d/%y-%T.%3N') (Wizards) [Backup.Event] [Commvault Backup] IRIS WD THAW FAILED (UTC time! +03:00) STATUS = $status (need to be 5)" | tee -a $LOG_FILE >> /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.log exit 1 fi echo -e "##################################\n" | tee -a $LOG_FILE >> /irissys/data/IRIS/mgr/messages.logelse echo -e "Not data Pod" | tee -a $LOG_FILEfi
go to post Eyal Levin · Jan 29, 2024 Hi Ambrogio, I have configured pre and post scripts and the system should thaw itself after 8 min if an external thaw was not issued, but I need to pass this to my backup software (commvault) in order for it to know it actually failed.
go to post Eyal Levin · Jan 20, 2024 Hi, I've got the same issue, I've started to container without running the IRIS on startup -u=false and found that there is only HSPD installed, so here is the command that worked for me: docker run -d --name providerdirectory -p 52773:52773 -p 1972:1972 -p 2187:2187 containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/healthshare_providerdirectory:2023.2 -i HSPD hth Eyal
go to post Eyal Levin · Jan 17, 2024 Hi, could you consider using a different date format such as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS which is more robust and less dependent on specific settings, CONVERT(datetime, '2023-12-12T11:27:00', 126) HTH
go to post Eyal Levin · Jan 17, 2024 Hi,can you try: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> <!-- Match the root ORU_R01 message --> <xsl:template match="ORU_R01"> <html> <body> <!-- Apply the transformation to each OBR segment --> <xsl:apply-templates select="//OBR"/> </body> </html> </xsl:template> <!-- Match each OBR segment --> <xsl:template match="OBR"> <div> <!-- Output custom table header for OBR --> <h2>OBR Segment</h2> <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Field 1</th> <th>Field 2</th> <!-- Add more headers as needed --> </tr> <tr> <!-- Output data for each field in the OBR segment --> <td><xsl:value-of select="OBR-1"/></td> <td><xsl:value-of select="OBR-2"/></td> <!-- Add more fields as needed --> </tr> </table> <!-- Apply the transformation to each OBX segment under the current OBR --> <xsl:apply-templates select="following-sibling::OBX[count(. | following-sibling::OBR[1]/preceding-sibling::OBX) = count(following-sibling::OBR[1]/preceding-sibling::OBX)]"/> </div> </xsl:template> <!-- Match each OBX segment under the current OBR --> <xsl:template match="OBX"> <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Custom Header 1</th> <th>Custom Header 2</th> <!-- Add more custom headers as needed --> </tr> <tr> <!-- Output data for each field in the OBX segment --> <td><xsl:value-of select="OBX-1"/></td> <td><xsl:value-of select="OBX-3"/></td> <!-- Adjust this line based on the actual field you want to display --> <!-- Add more fields as needed --> </tr> </table> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> Note that in the OBX template, I've used OBX-3 to display the data from the third field of each OBX segment. You should adjust this line based on the actual field you want to display in your PDF. If you have specific field names for OBX segments, replace them accordingly in the XSLT