Question Samuel Claiborne · Mar 6, 2017 Named filters to work with MEASURES? The >/</= etc. operands in named filters are great... except they won't work with measures ('native' or calculated - and what a boon it would be if they could work with both). Are there any plans to add this capability?And are there any plans to have a 'named filter' control within widgets that would let you change the operand?Thanks. #Analytics #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 2 0 214
Question Samuel Claiborne · Dec 28, 2016 Weighted Sales Performance Metric I am trying to create a query that returns the best and worst performing products for a given customer, based on this year's net sales versus last year's net sales, weighted by the total net sales for all of the products sold to this customer in the last two years. I have created Last Year Net Sales (up to the last month end): AGGREGATE(PERIODSTODATE([Invoice Date].[H1].[YEAR],[Invoice Date].[H1].[Month].[NOW-13]),measures.[Net Sales]) #Analytics #Beginner #Analyzer #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 3 0 360
Question Samuel Claiborne · Nov 9, 2016 Newbie Question for creating a this period/same period last year comparison Hello. I'm just getting started in DeepSee, and am also a newbie in MDX. #Analyzer #MDX #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 4 0 544