Yes, there is a repository Edge where we store documents in XDSb repository if I store SDA in this edge it will be associated with Documents Facility.

We what Documents to appear under same facility as of HL7 message Is there any way to achieve that without storing message in HL7 edge?

Whereas if I store Sda in HL7 edge it will store with same facility as of HL7 message.

Now when a remove request comes to repository I need to get the Sda deleted from HL7 Edge as well from streamlet.

But I don't have Patient details.

I can see below in 2022.2 

But any kind of compression happen the the version I put on post.


Stream Compression

InterSystems IRIS can automatically compress stream data that is stored in a global, saving database space and reducing the size of journal files.

Compression is controlled in stream classes by a class parameter, COMPRESS.

In the classes %Stream.TmpCharacterOpens in a new tab and %Stream.TmpBinaryOpens in a new tab, COMPRESS is set to 0, meaning that the stream data is not compressed.

In the classes %Stream.GlobalCharacterOpens in a new tab and %Stream.GlobalBinaryOpens in a new tab, COMPRESS is set to 1, meaning that new stream data is automatically compressed, except for the following cases, where the data is not suitable for compression:

  • The stream can be stored in a single chunk less than 1024 characters long.
  • The stream is already compressed, that is, the first chunk of data matches a typical compressed file format, such as JPEG, MP3, or ZIP.
  • The first 4KB of the stream cannot be compressed by at least 20 percent.