Ok i'll get going on instanciating the class first and see what it does. The classMethod present a problem with the adapter method that i call. Thanks for your input.
That's about it (not exactly, but close enough, the check on server B is done from another server where Ensemble is running, so same difference i think) I'll give it a shot. Thank you, Stefan ! PS: Not sure abou the long connection thingy you mentionned in the comment below, i don't think it's relevant, but i'll keep it in mind if i run into troubles. It is currently set to -1 (never disconnected) so this might gets me in trouble eventually. Thanks for the heads up.
Hi Stefan, The whole thing looks like this: Files are dropped on server A:/origin_folder by some piece of software. The passthrough service is listening to this server A location and get triggered whenever the files are dropped. The files are then move to server B:/reception_folder with the passthrough operation. I then want Ensemble to check on server B:/reception_folder that the files are indeed present. If the transfer didn't go well, i need an email to be sent to some recipients. The BP in my design is here to call the passthrough BO, and handle the potentials problems. Does that make sense ?
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So I instantiated the class but it didn't work either
terminal :
unitTests.testSqlAgateInscription begins ...
TestMyMethod() begins ...
LogStateStatus:0:TestMyMethod:ERREUR #5002: Erreur Cache: <INVALID OREF>zTestMyMethod+4^unitTests.testSqlInscription.1 <<==== **FAILED**
TestMyMethod failed
unitTests.testSqlInscription failed
unitTests failed
The code looks like that :
Class unitTests.testSqlInscription Extends %UnitTest.TestCase
Method TestMyMethod()
set myObject = ##class(Package.BO.sqlInscription).%New()
set myRequest = ##class(Package.Msg.getSomeDataFromDataBaseRequest).%New()
set myRequest.somePropertyaboutEmail = "test@mail.com"
do $$$AssertEquals(myObject.getSomeDataFromDataBase(myRequest),1953642, "Test MyMethod()=1953642")
I'm really out of ideas here to set up a basic unit test. Any hint is much welcome.
Please and thank you.
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Ok i'll get going on instanciating the class first and see what it does.
The classMethod present a problem with the adapter method that i call.
Thanks for your input.
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that's great intel, thank you very much !
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That's about it (not exactly, but close enough, the check on server B is done from another server where Ensemble is running, so same difference i think)
I'll give it a shot.
Thank you, Stefan !
Not sure abou the long connection thingy you mentionned in the comment below, i don't think it's relevant, but i'll keep it in mind if i run into troubles. It is currently set to -1 (never disconnected) so this might gets me in trouble eventually.
Thanks for the heads up.
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Hi Stefan,
The whole thing looks like this:
Files are dropped on server A:/origin_folder by some piece of software. The passthrough service is listening to this server A location and get triggered whenever the files are dropped. The files are then move to server B:/reception_folder with the passthrough operation.
I then want Ensemble to check on server B:/reception_folder that the files are indeed present.
If the transfer didn't go well, i need an email to be sent to some recipients.
The BP in my design is here to call the passthrough BO, and handle the potentials problems.
Does that make sense ?