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Member since Sep 30, 2016

Hi Julian

To send a priority to pushover you need to add

Do httprequest.SetParam("priority", pReq.EventPriority)

set the value between -2 and 1, if you want to set it to Emergency Priority (2) you will also need to send retry and expire parameters like this

Do httprequest.SetParam("retry", pReq.EventRetry)

Do httprequest.SetParam("expire", pReq.EventExpire)

Do httprequest.SetParam("priority", pReq.EventPriority)

The defaults for Expire is 60 and retry 3600

I added these values to the inbound message pReq As TrustDev.TrustMon.Messages.Alert

Property EventPriority As %Integer [ InitialExpression = ];

Property EventRetry As %Integer [ InitialExpression = 60 ];

Property EventExpire As %Integer [ InitialExpression = 3600 ];

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