Question Marek Bernád · Aug 21, 2017 Can Atelier save export settings? Good day, this is just question from beginner, but I often use Atelier export to export my file as XML for Caché Unit Testing and I didn't find solution for my problem. #Beginner 0 2 0 290
Question Marek Bernád · Aug 11, 2017 How to implement mutual exclusion(mutex)? Good day, every process in my software is about to update 3 specific globals in row when the process is called to do some job. I need to guarantee that during updating of those globals with multiple processes there is only one process that is actually working with those globals. Moreover I need my globals unreadable if other process is in critical area.Example: #Beginner #ObjectScript #Caché 1 8 0 777
Question Marek Bernád · Aug 11, 2017 How to get from caché server actual linux TIMESTAMP(in seconds)? Good day, I need to find out if it is possible somehow to receive actual linux TIMESTAMP for example with $NOW() or other functions.I was trying to recalculate it with $NOW() function, but without success. I would like to simulate Redis TIME command in COS. My tryings: USER > set time = $NOW() USER > w (($PIECE(time,",",1)*86399) + $PIECE(time,",",2)) 5573319043.403186 But in Redis it is: #ObjectScript #Caché 0 7 0 682
Question Marek Bernád · Jul 28, 2017 How to detect if string data is number and integer in COS ? Good day,I would like to know how to detect in Caché ObjectScript if data saved in string is number and furthermore, if it's type is integer.I maybe found a solution: set value = "44.2d3"try{ set status = $INUMBER(value,"") if ('$FIND(+value,".")){ w "your variable: '"_value_"' is number and integer" }else{ w "variable is number but no integer" }}catch(e){ w "variable is not number" } #Beginner #ObjectScript #Caché 0 10 0 2K
Question Marek Bernád · Jul 3, 2017 How to delete Caché global by its value in Caché ObjectScript? Good day, I have this issue. I have global like: ^myglobal(varX) = $LB(var1,var2). I need to delete all globals that have variable var1 in that list same without a need to iterate through all globals and checking their value. Exact example: - in database exist following: #Globals #ObjectScript #Caché 0 3 0 1.2K
Question Marek Bernád · Jul 3, 2017 What is the size of Caché ObjectScript variable? Good day, I would like to find out the size of Caché ObjectScript variable in order to guarantee that my program will not leak, equally in terminal and Caché globals. For example how huge number I can store in that variable ? And what happen in Caché when variable will leak ? How is this behavior treated? (how much memory is reserved for common variable?)Thanks in advance for your answers. #Beginner #ObjectScript #Caché 0 2 0 696