Hi Karthik,

You could try creating a custom action to do something similar to this. There is documentation on custom actions here. For example, I believe you could define a KPI class with a custom action that opens a web page  with the information you want to display in a new window. You could then add a control to your widget to run the custom action when clicked. If you do this, you can add your own custom icon for the control, as described here, and it will be displayed with the other controls, below the widget title.

Hi Karthik,

Can you provide any more information this error? What are you trying to do in DeepSee when the error occurs, and what other information is in the error message?

It might be easier to help you with this error if you open a WRC issue. Please feel free to do that by emailing support@intersystems.com or calling +1 617 621-0700 if you think that would be helpful.


Yes, the filterSpec URL parameter is required, according to the documentation here.

It looks to me like the /Info/FilterMembers service expects to get a single level (of a specified dimension and hierarchy) as the filterSpec. Although the level names are the same for the two LevelCs, they are unrelated as far as the REST service is concerned because they are in different dimensions and hierarchies.

I don't know exactly what you are trying to do with this combined list of filter members, since it may not be an accurate list of the members of either level if some items appear in one but not the other. In terms of creating the list, though, you could try running /Info/FilterMembers once for each of the two levels, and writing code to combine the result sets while removing duplicates.

One thing to keep in mind when creating a hierarchy is that each member of a lower level in the hierarchy must correspond to a single member of each higher level. For instance, in the hierarchy you propose, if you have prefectures named PrefA and PrefB, you would need to make sure that there isn't a Comisaria named Com1 in both PrefA and PrefB, and so on.

One possible way around this, if you notice that this could be a problem, is to include information from the higher levels in the members of the lower levels, so that your Comisaria members are named PrefA-Com1 and PrefB-Com1, for example. In this way, each Comisaria member will belong to only one Prefecture.

This is related to the issue discussed here (Lexi Hayden's comment in particular is useful): https://community.intersystems.com/post/tips-tricks-be-aware-month-week-hierarchy-deepsee

I'm not sure whether the four fields in your sample data correspond to the four levels you want to include in the hierarchy. If so, though, it would be a problem to put UNI_TIPOUNIDAD below UNI_DESCRIPCION in a hierarchy, because the member "50" of the UNI_TIPOUNIDAD level would correspond to both the "38A. COM. PUENTE ALTO" and the "1RA. COM. ARICA" members of the UNI_DESCRIPCION level.

Hi Lin,

You can export shared calculated members and other DeepSee folder items to a container class, which will hold a version of those items in XML format. You can then import the folder items from the container class into the new environment. The documentation on this topic is here: http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=...

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Hi Jaqueline,

This Developer Community post has some information that you may find useful: https://community.intersystems.com/post/deepsee-period-date-vs-same-peri...

It deals specifically with comparing results for this year to date versus the same time period in the previous year, but you might be able to apply some of the same concepts when writing your MDX expressions. Let me know if you need clarification, or if this doesn't enable you to make the calculations you intend.


Sam Duncan

Looking at my own profile, I also see this list showing some posts that I have not read. It isn't always the same as the list of posts on the homepage, either. I tried viewing different pages and then reloading my profile, and it seems that after viewing a page with a list of posts (e.g. one of the pages under "Browse by Tag" in the sidebar), posts from that page often show up in my Recently Read list, whether or not I click on them - but not every post, nor every time I reload a page of that sort.

I don't know if you were concerned about your profile showing inaccurate information to other users, or just pointing out that this feature doesn't seem to be behaving as expected - if it's the former, though, it does not appear that any list of recently read posts is shown when viewing a user profile other than your own.