Minus one (-1) is commonly used for a null reference error. Verify your certificate is in the PEM format, verify it exists in the relative path defined in your global and refer to the documentation in the %SYS.LDAP.StartTLSs  and %SYS.LDAP.SetOption methods. You might want to test passing in a raw string value pointing to the certificate file, just to rule out any directory parsing errors.

My preferred approach would be to use the ZBREAK utility but you could also potentially use ^%SYS.MONLBL. You can use ZBREAK for setting breakpoints or watchpoints or tracing line-by-line execution.  You could even set it at the beginning of your ZAUTHENTICATE routine itself rather than a shell session.  There is a bug with this utility regarding the use of round-brackets for setting a group of variables to a value, which I have documented here and with WRC.

To trace every line of execution:

ZBREAK /TRACE:ALL:"/your/file/location/trace.log"

To trace when particular lines are executed

ZBREAK /TRACE:ON:"/your/file/location/trace.log"

To format the log file to remove blank lines for better readability.

sed  '/^$/d' /your/file/location/trace.log

I think it has something to with Unix/Linux status 0 meaning the command executed successfully. Caché ObjectScript error status 0 usually means some error has occurred. $$$LDAPSUCCESS from %syLDAP.inc is defined as 0. The LDAP Error message: LDAP error: 0 - Success is partially hard-coded. Can you verify where your code is getting into the Error label?

#define LDAPSUCCESS $zhex("00")

I am really intrigued by what this device is and what kind of data you are looking to capture...  Is your host device a member of a specific multicast group? In Unix 'netstat -g' can show the multicast forwarding cache and in Windows 'route print' can be useful but might only apply if IP Routing is enabled on your interface in the 'ipconfig /all' output.

In a lab environment, when you ping a multicast address you would expect devices registered with that multicast address to reply with a single unicast response. Routers can also use specific multicast addresses for routing protocols like EIGRP and OSPF.

I have checked the beta version of Atelier and I cannot see any way around this. Perhaps this should be added as a new feature request? As far as I know, the Atelier-plugin is closed source so you cannot extend it. You may be able to write your own connection adapter to achieve your goal but I am only speculating.

In the 'Server Explorer View' you must specify all of the fields.  Your saved connections are also visible via the the Preferences > Security > Secure Storage then Contents tab and 'com.intersystems.atelier.connmgr'. These saved connections are mapped to your projects.

Personally, I would opt to create a master password for eclipse so that you are prompted for some kind of password during first launch. You can also tweak the encryption algorithm used to meet you security audit requirements. Alternatively, you can launch eclipse and pass in a password file and add the file location to your eclipse.ini file as described here. At least with secure storage, your passwords can be stored securely and not in plain text.

In practice, the majority of artefacts in our Caché instances are .int files.  We have used classes for mapping globals, .NET web development and writing stored procedures. It is nice to be able to call a classmethod from within a .NET application using a tool-generated proxy class. I detest code that jumps all over the place and Xecute statements within globals. Please stop coding this madness! Let's make the world a better place...

I confess some of the .NET software we have calls a classmethod which in turn calls a legacy .int routine with a Do statement and many subsequent Do statements. Not ideal but necessary if you want to avoid re-writing everything on a massive system. You can also use ClassExplorer with your classes and the "comment-style" self-documentation for classes is useful.  Much of the code we support uses the legacy line-based syntax and there is truly no replacement for well-structured, easy-to-read code. It just makes debugging less of a headache. I love line-spacing and curly braces - the simple things you take for granted in other programming languages. I also can't see anyone doing RESTful API development without classes.

Having human-readable, intuitively named class packages rather than hundreds of obscurely named .int routines and globals makes life so much easier. Having a class in a package in a BIO namespace called BIO.Request with CRUD methods reads much better than an interactive programme invoked by do ^REQ. I also like being able to export self-contained class packages rather than trying to work out what .int files and globals I need to export from memory.

Thanks for the comments Robert. It's safe to assume there is an IF statement in each inner-for  to determine whether to do anything or not. Each object in arrayOfIds needs to be opened and a Boolean check is done against a property. I haven't had a problem with the 'N' parameter. The code appears to store 'write' records in process memory before writing everything to file after the outer-for. $ZSTORAGE has been buffed to accommodate this.

// Changes the max-limit on the process memory from the default 16384 Kilobytes
set $ZS=49152

Unique file names have been achieved using the following assumptions:

1) The process will run no more than once a day
2) Append today's date in ODBC format using $zd(+$h,3) to the end of the filename.

The 'close' statement appears after the outer-for but I'm not sure if the curly braces implicitly does it anyway.

// Null check. Close if necessary. (May be implicitly closed by outter-for loop).
if $GET(file1)'="" close file1
if $GET(file2)'="" close file2

If I am modifying a routine I didn't originally write then I tend to stick to the coding style the original author adopted - even it is using legacy syntax. It is good practice not to mix old and new constructs within the same code block ie. don't mix curly braces with line-oriented syntax.  If you are completely re-writing something or writing new code then I prefer curly braces.

I would have liked to re-factor some of my code better but I found the 'use for' construct breaks when you try that. In this pseudocode, I was using the 'write' statement to write to a file on the file system. There is a condition that is checked to determine whether it gets written to file1 or file2.

// Run an extract based on arrayOfIds
for arrayIndex=1:1:arrayOfIds.Count() 
       // Continue to loop through array of you detect an errorStatus
      open file1:("WNS":::):10
      // Inner-for 1
      use file1 for testIndex=1:1:testSetObj.TestCollection.Count()
       open file2:("WNS":::):10
       // Inner-for 2
       use file2 for testIndex=1:1:testSetObj.TestCollection.Count()
// end outter-for

I have used https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/63201/TelnetSocket in a .NET web application to develop a "proof-of-concept". The code makes use of the System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient .NET class to establish and manage a telnet connection. In my case, I wanted something simple to allow a an authenticated user, to execute a non-interactive shell program over telnet to change their password using an internally hosted web application (not accessible to the public Internet). This had already been done in PHP but I wanted something a bit different and something that integrated well with our existing .NET web application. The concept worked but I was never completely happy with the design approach. 

Cache Web Terminal does provide an interactive shell with intellisense but limitations mean you can't use it like you would use something like PuTTY and the current issue log presents quite a few challenges.

There have been times when I have been asked to provide a 'proof-of-concept' or a 'working example' demonstrating a problem or some unexpected behaviour.  With code snippets, it is easy to embed code in a post; however, for more complex examples,  it is beneficial  to download a working example to test the behaviour out for yourself.

Here are some references to posts where I used the 'file upload' feature.

ZEN tablePane always selects the bottom row. Why?                 

The Art of Mapping Globals to Classes  (2 of 3)

For reference, you can get a list of error codes from General Error Codes and SQL Error Codes .  From the error description, it seems to be complaining about the 1st parameter.

If the 'gc' object is a %SQL.Statement then the %Prepare method only takes one parameter. What happens when you pass in pQuery to the %Prepare method?

Have you tried executing the SQL in the SQL Shell or System Management Portal?

do $System.SQL.Shell()

@Wolf Koelling I had the same problem but there is a work-a-round. There's a article that describes how to download a digital certificate from your CA and import it into the cacerts store using keytool.

One of the difficulties I had was I was unable to modify the cacerts file using keytool because it required admin access to make changes to a file under C:\Program Files(x86)\Java.

Fortunately, you can copy the cacerts file to your user directory and change the eclipse.ini file to reference the new location for your cacerts certificate store.


Then follow the instructions to download the atelier plugin here

Your installation requirements may be different from mine, so you may want to contact Intersystems WRC for advice specific to your needs. Please understand however that it is a problem with the Java certificate store, used by your JRE, not recognising your CA to allow HTTPS traffic to download the plugin through the eclipse IDE. It is not a firewall issue.