There is a method $system.Memory.Clean(<cleancache>, <defragment>), but unfortunately it appeared only with version 2011.1.

Try this code (consider that LONGVARCHAR = %Stream.GlobalCharacter) Read a CLOB through JDBC:

  ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  Statement st = dbconn.createStatement();
  ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("Select ID,Text from eprinstance.isegment");
  while (
    int len;
    Reader reader = rs.getCharacterStream("Text");
    while ((len = != -1)
} finally

Possible do on-other, namely to write one "universal" query:

select * from person where 
(lastname=:lastname or :lastname is null) and
age :age or :age is null)

That is:
sql "select * from person where (lastname=? or ? is null) and (age > ? or ? is null)"
resultset statement.%Execute(param1param1param2param2)

zw list


Hi Uri.

In my opinion, this possible hear only empirically through load testing on specific hardware.
It is also important and the interface between Caché and the world .NET, namely the number of calls made to a DLLBetter performance.

Sometimes the performance gain is observed when .NET refers to Caché (ADO.NET, eXTreme .NET Provider), and not vice versa (.NET Gateway). But it always requires a revision of the architecture.

By the way, for .NET Provider/ADO.NET there is Connection Pooling

What exactly did you do?
Quote from doc:

By default, the session timeout is to 900 seconds (15 minutes). You can change this default for a CSP application in the Management Portal; [Home] > [Security] > [Web Applications] page. Select the application and click Edit.

Note that if a session changes CSP applications during its life span, its timeout value will not be updated according to the default timeout defined in the application that the session moved into. For example, if a session starts out in CSP Application A, with a default timeout of 900 seconds, and then moves into CSP Application B, which has a default timeout of 1800 seconds, the session will still timeout after 900 seconds.

Check these points.
Still see the page parameter AUTOLOGOUT.

It's the wrong solution, because it works not for all cases such as this:

Set Text(1) = "Planet"
Set Text(2) = "Championship"
Set Text(3) = "2017"
Set Text(4) = "IT"

Here is more optimized code Sean:

ClassMethod Main(ByRef Text)
 f j=2:1:$o(Text(""),-1) f k=j:-1:2 s l=$l(Text(k))+1,$e(Text(k),l)=$e(Text(k-1),l,*),$e(Text(k-1),l,*)=""

You can try to do it using the OpenSSL libraries, which comes complete with Caché/Ensemble/etc.
To google: "openssl rsa-pss sign", "openssl SHA256 with RSA PSS padding"

Here is a small example on Windows, where it is assumed that

  • cert.pem is your certificate:
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  • key.pem is your private key:
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

So (test.bat):

@echo off
echo Delete all temporary files
del /Q /F test.txt test.sig pubkey.pem test.b64
echo Extract the public key from certificate (only be done once)
openssl x509 -pubkey -in cert.pem -noout > pubkey.pem
echo Create test file (test.txt)
echo bla-bla-bla test123 {Date}{newline}{Password}{newline}{etc}{Message Body} > test.txt
echo Create signature (test.sig)
openssl dgst -sha256 -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss -sigopt rsa_pss_saltlen:-1 -sign key.pem -out test.sig test.txt
echo This step is only for information/verification.
echo Verify signature (The result should be: "Verified OK")
openssl dgst -sha256 -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss -sigopt rsa_pss_saltlen:-1 -signature test.sig -verify pubkey.pem test.txt
echo Convert signature to Base64 (test.b64)
echo You can this step be make on COS.
openssl base64 -in test.sig -out test.b64 -nopad

Or on COS:

#include %systemInclude
#include %occErrors
main() public {

  try {
    n $namespace

    if '##class(%File).Exists(filePubKey{
      ; Only be done once
      ; Extract the public key from certificate
      cmd=$$$FormatText("openssl x509 -pubkey -in %1 -noout > %2",fileCert,filePubKey)
      d $zf(-1,cmd)
    i=fileMsg,fileSig,file64 ##class(%File).Delete(i)
    file.Write("{etc}{Message Body}")
    w $$$FormatText("Create signature (%1)",fileSig),!
    cmd=$$$FormatText("openssl dgst -sha256 -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss -sigopt rsa_pss_saltlen:-1 -sign %1 -out %2 %3",fileKey,fileSig,fileMsg)
    d $zf(-1,cmd)
    w $$$FormatText("Convert signature to Base64 (%1)",file64),!
    cmd=$$$FormatText("openssl base64 -in %1 -out %2 -nopad",fileSig,file64)
    d $zf(-1,cmd)
    ;here we read our file test.b64 (file64) and place it in a Signature field in the header
    "Error "ex.DisplayString(),!

  i=fileMsg,fileSig ##class(%File).Delete(i)

Could the issue be something with the dataBinding?

Most likely - yes, see <dataController> Methods.
Simple example:

Class demo.relationModel Extends %ZEN.DataModel.ObjectDataModel

Property Relation As %String(MAXLEN 36);

Method %OnLoadModel(pSource As %RegisteredObjectAs %Status
  ..Relation $g(^tmp,"BLACKFIN CAPITAL PARTNERS")
  q $$$OK

Method %OnStoreModel(pSource As %RegisteredObjectAs %Status
  q $$$OK

Class demo.test Extends

XData Contents [ XMLNamespace "" ]
<page xmlns="" title="">
    <button caption="1. Convert" onclick="zenPage.convertToTitle();"/>
    <button caption="2. Save" onclick="zen('MyForm').save();" />

ClientMethod convertToTitle() [ Language = javascript ]
  var controller zen('relationData');

ClientMethod stringConvert(str) [ Language = javascript ]
  ///alert (str)
  str str.substring(0,1).toLowerCase() str.substring(1).toLowerCase();
  ///alert (str)
  var pieces str.split(" ");
  for var = 0; i pieces.length; i++ )
    var pieces[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase();
    pieces[i] pieces[i].substr(1);
  return pieces.join(" ");

At me converted string is stored correctly.

Here is a small example:

Class demo.test Extends

XData Contents [ XMLNamespace "" ]
<page xmlns="" title="">
    <button caption="1.Convert" onclick="zenPage.convertToTitle();"/>
    <submit caption="2.Save" action="save"/>

ClientMethod convertToTitle() [ Language = javascript ]
  var ctrl zen('Relation');

ClientMethod stringConvert(str) [ Language = javascript ]
  ///alert (str)
  str str.substring(0,1).toLowerCase() str.substring(1).toLowerCase();
  ///alert (str)
  var pieces str.split(" ");
  for var = 0; i pieces.length; i++ )
    var pieces[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase();
    pieces[i] pieces[i].substr(1);
  return pieces.join(" ");

/// Callback to get values for form
Method LoadForm(
  pKey As %String,
  ByRef pValues As %StringAs %Status
  pValues("Relation") = $g(^tmp,"BLACKFIN CAPITAL PARTNERS")
  q $$$OK

/// Callback to process values submitted for form.
ClassMethod SubmitForm(pSubmit As %ZEN.SubmitAs %Status
  s:pSubmit.%Action="save" ^tmp=pSubmit.%GetValue("Relation")
  q $$$OK
SAMPLES>d $system.SQL.Shell()
SQL Command Line Shell
The command prefix is currently set to: >.
Enter q to quit, ? for help.
SAMPLES>>?=CALL %SYSTEM.SQL_TableExists('Sample.Person')
1.      ?=CALL %SYSTEM.SQL_TableExists('Sample.Person')
executing statement with parameter values: set %tResult=%tStatement.%Execute()
Output Values:
 0. 1
statement prepare time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.0025s/14/862/0ms
          execute time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.0003s/7/179/0ms
                          cached query class: %sqlcq.SAMPLES.cls2

Demo for [F1], [F7] and [Home]:

u:$zu(96,14)=1 0:(:"+S""Input: ",*u:$zu(96,14)=1 0:(:"-S")

;zzdump $key
"You press [",$g(key($key),"unknown"),"]",!

It is not clear what it will give.
To Richard need to save the binary data encoded in hex.

For example, instead of '0x2122232425262728292A2F' to the database should persist the value !"#$%&'()*/

USER>w $c(33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,47)


USER>zzdump ##class(%xsd.hexBinary).XSDToLogical("2122232425262728292A2F"; 0x omitted
0000: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2F                        !"#$%&'()*/