Question Joost Platenburg · Nov 13, 2024 %CSP.Page.Include doesn't seem to work I'm trying to rewrite a legacy portal created with all .csp files into a portal written in .cls files. The problem I have is that the old cap pages use "csp:include page='page.csp'> tags. I'm trying to use the Include method that is in the %CSP.Page master page. It doesn't seem to insert the required file. Any suggestions? #CSP #InterSystems IRIS for Health #Caché 0 1 0 64
Question Joost Platenburg · Sep 6, 2024 Looking for information on projects where openEHR is used HI, in The Netherlands I get lots of questions on the ability of InterSystems to handle openEHR data. Before I start a local initiative I'm interested in other work done with openEHR. Anybody? Regards, Joost #HealthShare 0 3 0 117
Question Joost Platenburg · May 10, 2024 HealthShare 2024.1 deployment to Kubernetes Cluster Hi all, I was wondering is there is already a sample of a Helm chart or better even an IKO manifest to deploy a REGISTRY and/or EDGE container to a Kubernetes cluster. The samples I found show how to deploy to docker using docker-compose but I want to deploy into a better runtime orchestrator.Regards Joost #HealthShare 0 2 0 104
Question Joost Platenburg · May 1, 2023 IKO usable yaml sample for e.g. IAM LS, I'm trying to learn how to use the IKO for deploying solutions to Kubernetes. In my current project I'm trying to deploy the IAM onto a K8S context. Are there directly usable samples of the yaml file I need to use for that? #Kubernetes #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 241
Question Joost Platenburg · Jul 20, 2022 Can I create an User Account from code LS, Is it possible to create User Accounts, and assign specific Roles to them, from objectscript? #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 280
Question Joost Platenburg · May 5, 2022 Connecting an IRIS container's SQL Gateway Connection to MySQL on Apple M1 I'm trying to connect to a MySQL database through a SQL Gateway (type JDBC) on a MacBook M1. Can't get the connection working, anybody any experience on this topic? #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 355
Question Joost Platenburg · May 4, 2022 Is it possible to set preferred language in a manifest Is it possible to set the preferred language to English in a manifest e.g. with a <SystemSetting> tag? #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 1 0 192
Question Joost Platenburg · Mar 21, 2022 Question about the IKO topology Hi, Are we correct to assume that the IKO topology only allows for the use of one 'data' node type, and one 'compute' node type? So if we want to use several different iris based compute nodes (or data nodes) we have to apply several yaml files? So the following topology config is not possible: topology: data: image: data: image: data: image: Thanks in advance. #Kubernetes #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 261
Question Joost Platenburg · Mar 13, 2022 Error when push IKO to docker hub (on MacBook M1) LS, Probably due to my MacBook M1, but when I try to push the IKO (step 3 in the install) to the hub, I get the following error message: #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 184
Question Joost Platenburg · Feb 17, 2022 Creating an OAuth2 server from code LS, Is there a samples on how to create the OAuth2 server from code? Now trying: #OAuth2 #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 380
Question Joost Platenburg · Dec 20, 2021 Development kit for IRIS for Health on Apple M1 LS, Does anyone already has an installation kit for the IRIS for Health running on an MacBook with Apple M1 Cores? Docker I already got, I'm looking for the local install version. Regards, Joost #Apple macOS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 343
Question Joost Platenburg · Dec 7, 2021 Running IRIS container on Apple Silicon M1 Good day, I'm trying to get IRIS to run on a new MacBook with a Apple M1 Pro chip. Local installs did not run, so I switched to docker containers. When I execute following command "docker run --detach --publish 52773:52773 --volume /Users/joost/Docker/iris/data/dur:/dur --env ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY=/dur/iconfig --name iris21 --init store/intersystems/iris-community:2021." an image is pulled and a container is created but the IRIS instance does not run. The log gives me the following output: #Docker #InterSystems IRIS 0 6 0 742
Question Joost Platenburg · Dec 3, 2021 Installing IRIS on Apple Silicon M1 MacBook Does anybody know if it should be possible to install IRIS for Health on a MacBook with Apple M1 inside? The install distribution works on an Intel based MacBook but when I try on new MacBook (with Apple M1) I get the following response: The installer can't find a platform in this distribution supported by your system. Contact InterSystems support. #Apple macOS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 1K
Question Joost Platenburg · Jan 27, 2021 How to remove an upstream target from an Upstream in IAM 0.34-1? I've define an upstream object in the IAM 0.34-1 and in it 3 targets. I now want to remove 1 of those targets. I can not find the way to do that. #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 1 0 158
Question Joost Platenburg · Apr 27, 2018 PostgreSQL query returns error LS, I'm executing a query using JDBC on a PostgreSQL db: SET statement_timeout TO 600000000; COMMIT SELECT * FROM bi_hour The query is aborted with the following message: FOUT #5023: Fout in Java Gateway: JDBC Gateway getClob(0,2) errorBad value for type long : active The column 'blocked_status' contains the value 'active' is of type 'text'. I figure somewhere the SQL Gateway tries to convert the text value into a long but I can't find where, any suggestions? #JDBC #SQL #HealthShare #Ensemble #Health Connect 0 4 0 360