Question Anthony Filaski · Dec 14, 2018 Converting VarBinary to VarChar Hello,I'm looking to find if there is a datatype convert equivalent in Object Script to SQL convert function. Have a VarBinary string coming in from source application (which is really performing a SQL dump). The source application uses the standard SQL convert function to convert from varchar to varbinary on their side.I know &sql(Convert()) should work in Object Script, but am wondering if there is a better way of doing this. Getting data in via flat file (Record Map), then using data transform to transpose this data to SDA3. #ObjectScript #SQL #Ensemble 0 4 0 867
Question Anthony Filaski · Nov 8, 2017 Maximum Size of HL7 Record So this may sound trivial, but I'm seeing conflicting information on this topic and hoping to get clarification.According to Enslib.HL7.Message class definition, the maxlength of RawContent is 10,000 characters. So when using encoding like UTF-8, that is 10KB. When using Unicode, that should then be 20KB.But then also coming across some forums and documents where 32KB is maximum size before HL7 fields are truncated.What is the sure way to determine and modify an interface's maximum supported message size? #Ensemble #DTL #HL7 0 6 0 3.9K
Question Anthony Filaski · May 9, 2017 Record Map to SDA3 Issue - Need Help Populating SDA3: /Appointments/Appointment/CareProvider/Name/ Fields Hello, Has anyone ever had issues using target class HS.SDA3.Container within a data transformation where the CareProvider values do not populate? #DTL #XML #Ensemble 0 4 0 484