This is a sample of the email output:

Date                      DB NAME            Directory             Size(GB)               Free(GB)             % Free                  Free Disk Space(GB)
06/13/2016         LIVE                       H:\live\                 491.774                 4.113                     0.84                       734.17
06/12/2016         LIVE                       H:\live\                 491.774                 0.955                     0.19                       734.24
06/11/2016         LIVE                       H:\live\                 490.774                 0.527                     0.11                       735.22
06/10/2016         LIVE                       H:\live\                 486.774                 0.435                     0.09                       739.14
06/09/2016         LIVE                       H:\live\                 484.774                 0.267                     0.06                       741.11
06/08/2016         LIVE                       H:\live\                 483.774                 0.946                     0.20                       742.10
06/07/2016         LIVE                       H:\live\                 483.774                 2.843                     0.59                       742.12
Last Purge Job:
Started:        2016-06-13 07:53
Finished:       2016-06-13 07:54
Status:         Success
Mirror Status:
Failover Mode:           Arbiter Controlled
Connection Status:    Both failover members are connected to the arbiter
Current Role:              Primary
Status:                           Active
Current Type:            Failover
Journal Latency:        N/A
Database Latency:    N/A
Current Role:              Backup
Status:                           Active
Current Type:            Failover
Journal Latency:        Active
Database Latency:    Caught up
Current Role:              Async
Status:                           Async
Current Type:            Async
Journal Latency:        Caught up
Database Latency:    Caught up
Mirror file status
Time last file sent, Journal File
Secondary:     06/13/2016 - 07:02:59,MIRROR-LIVEMIRROR-20160613.023
D/R                    06/13/2016 - 07:02:59,MIRROR-LIVEMIRROR-20160613.023
Date                                      Msg Header Count          HL7 Msg Count                  Over 90 day count           Journal Free Space (GB)       Full Size
06/13/2016                         297,695,134                        143,720,796                        1,535                     611.55                                                   1,249,445,774   
06/12/2016                         300,339,462                        144,745,038                        684                         645.66                                                   218,690,487      
06/11/2016                         300,175,355                        144,585,713                        602                         620.45                                                   3,660,130,114   
06/10/2016                         298,014,061                        143,702,880                        508                         603.46                                                   4,169,611,018   
06/09/2016                         297,530,982                        143,507,436                        338                         596.53                                                   4,114,797,465   
06/08/2016                         297,320,463                        143,320,444                        165                         621.41                                                   4,891,285,909   
06/07/2016                         297,207,426                        143,164,757                        0                              654.68                                                   2,958,572,967