go to post Robert Barbiaux · Feb 26, 2022 Hi, Assuming your question is about HL7 (or EDI) message serialization. The DTL is meant for parsing and transforming the message into another one. Serialization occurs when you output the message using the corresponding instance methods. For an instance of the EnsLib.HL7.Message class, methods that output the message such as OutputToFile() are using instance properties to determine what separators to use : .Separators, .SegmentTerminator. Also, business operations (extending EnsLib.HL7.Operation.Standard) expose a setting (Separators) that let you configure what separators to use.
go to post Robert Barbiaux · Jan 23, 2022 To get an IRIS session integrated in VSCode terminal, you can add it to settings.json : "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": { "IRIS Terminal": { "path": [ "C:\\InterSystems\\IRISHealth\\bin\\irissession.exe" ], "args": ["<instance name>"], "icon": "terminal-cmd" } } However, this terminal window will lack the niceties of the ISC Terminal application, such as command history.
go to post Robert Barbiaux · Nov 27, 2021 Hi Ben,You can use EnsLib.HL7.Schema ResolveSchemaTypeToDocType() class method to resolve DocType dynamically.For example, if message is an OREF to an instance of EnsLib.HL7.Message : s message.DocType = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Schema).ResolveSchemaTypeToDocType("2.5",message.Name)
go to post Robert Barbiaux · Oct 21, 2021 Thank you Dmitry, I unfortunately am also quite busy and have no spare time to invest on this nice to have at the moment.It is certainly possible to use the TextMate grammar as basis to write a lexer class for Rouge.I'll let you known if I get started on this !