I am getting below error if I tried to access the URL :

This site can’t be reached

scsps2391082001’s server IP address could not be found.

Below is the output from iris list 

[root@scsps2391082001 prd]# iris list

Configuration 'PROD'   (default)
        directory:    /prd
        versionid:    2020.1.1.408.0com
        datadir:      /prd
        conf file:    iris.cpf  (SuperServer port = 51773, WebServer = 52773)
        status:       running, since Thu Jun 10 05:45:18 2021
        state:        ok
        product:      InterSystems IRIS
[root@scsps2391082001 prd]#

Below are the Installation details 

Please review the installation options:
Instance name: PROD
Destination directory: /prd
InterSystems IRIS version to install: 2020.1.1.408.0com
Installation type: Development
Unicode support: Y
Initial Security settings: Normal
User who owns instance: root
Group allowed to start and stop instance: root
Effective group for InterSystems IRIS processes: irisusr
Effective user for InterSystems IRIS SuperServer: irisusr
SuperServer port: 51773
WebServer port: 52773
JDBC Gateway port: 53773
Web Gateway: using built-in web server

Confirm InterSystems IRIS installation <Yes>?

Starting installation
Starting up InterSystems IRIS for loading...
../bin/irisinstall -s . -B -c c -C /prd/iris.cpf*PROD -W 1 -g2
Starting Control Process
Allocated 159MB shared memory: 2MB global buffers, 35MB routine buffers
IRIS startup successful.
System locale setting is 'en_US.UTF-8'
This copy of InterSystems IRIS has been licensed for use exclusively by:
InterSystems IRIS Community
Copyright (c) 1986-2021 by InterSystems Corporation
Any other use is a violation of your license agreement


Start of IRIS initialization

Loading system routines

Updating system TEMP and LOCALDATA databases

Installing National Language support

Setting IRISTEMP default collation to IRIS standard (5)

Loading system classes

Updating Security database

Loading system source code

Building system indices

Updating Audit database

Updating Journal directory

Updating User database

Updating Interoperability databases

Scheduling inventory scan

IRIS initialization complete in 2 minutes

See the iboot.log file for a record of the installation.

Starting up InterSystems IRIS...
Once this completes, users may access InterSystems IRIS
Starting PROD
Using 'iris.cpf' configuration file

Starting Control Process
Automatically configuring buffers
Allocated 925MB shared memory: 725MB global buffers, 35MB routine buffers
Creating a WIJ file to hold 99 megabytes of data
This copy of InterSystems IRIS has been licensed for use exclusively by:
InterSystems IRIS Community
Copyright (c) 1986-2021 by InterSystems Corporation
Any other use is a violation of your license agreement

You can point your browser to http://scsps2391082001:52773/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp
to access the management portal.

Let me know if anything else I need to provide it as a details ?



@Eduard Lebedyuk 

Thank you so much for providing the detailed information.

I am able to deploy the IRIS Instance with custom layout which I wanted to 

One thing I noticed that after installation I was able to see the instance running from command line but I was unable to access management portal with the URL that comes after installation, anything I missed or need to change to make it accessible?

Please suggest 



@Eduard Lebedyuk 
Thank you so much for providing this information

I would like to know if I can move only user database or default databases as well??


irislib, irisaudit, irislocaldata and other under mgr folder 

Please suggest if I can do this if yes then what sort of permission do I need to change for new directory path and what all files I need to copy at new location??

I want to setup my layout as given below

  • Database LUNs = 8 x 512GB- - - > vg_iris_db
  • Journal LUNs = 2 x 512GB - - > vg_iris_jrn
  • WIJ LUNs = 2 x 256GB - - > vg_iris_wij
  • Install and IRISTEMP LUNs = 2 x 128GB - - - > vg_iris_sys

Please suggest if modification in iris.cpf file can do this all operation 

Thanks & Regards