go to post Benjamin Irwin · May 23, 2022 The key is in your picture "Value DoesNotMatch" "3N.1""-""2N.1""-""4N" This is MUMPS/Cache/IRIS pattern matching. This pattern is looking for 3 numbers, a hyphen, 2 numbers, a hyphen, and 4 numbers. In your custom rule you would be checking for 13 numbers at a minimum. You could check for a gender match on that digit. Also verify the citizenship digit. "Value DoesNotMatch" "13N"
go to post Benjamin Irwin · Mar 30, 2022 I may not understand the question, but the best way to avoid the above error would be to correctly specify the namespace in the batch file. For example the "VISTA" namespace in the following command line needs to be an existing namespace. C:\InterSystems\Cache\bin\Csession.exe cache -U VISTA "^WBSS"