go to post Dani Fibla · Sep 2, 2020 Hi Omar, Here you have the values w $ZDT($H,18)14 Muharram 1442 12:22:31w $ZDT($H,19)14 1 1442 12:22:37w $ZDT($H,20)14 Muharram 1442 12:22:40w $ZDT($H,21)14 1 1442 12:22:44
go to post Dani Fibla · Jul 4, 2016 Hi Javier,After execute both methods try this if the rowcount bigger than 0d QueryResultSet.Rewind()d QueryResultSet.Next()Also you can try to delete the single quote when you put the parameterMyParam >= '?' --> MyParam >= ?When you use the ExecuteQuery , you can directly send the stringlike thisSet par = "20160630"Set sql = "SELECT Cod, Ing, score FROM [bbdd].[dbo].[vw_Test] WHERE MyParam >= ?"Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteQuery(.QueryResultSet,sql,par)It's not necessary the array.