Article Jacquelyn Gentile · Apr 8, 2016 1m read Global Summit 2016 - Advancing Health through Unstructured Data Presenter: Dirk Van HyfteTask: Leverage unstructured data to improve how clinicians deliver careApproach: Give real-world examples of organizations that are benefiting from using their unstructured data This session will feature real-world examples of how healthcare organizations can benefit from exposing unstructured data to clinicians at point-of-care as well as to clinical informatics building predictive models. Presenters are Wesley Williams, PhD, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Mental Health Center of Denver; Augie Turano PhD. IT Director Veterans Informatics and Computer Infrastructure (VINCI); and Dirk Van Hyfte, MD, PhD, Senior Research Consultant.Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. #Unstructured Data #InterSystems Natural Language Processing (NLP, iKnow) 0 0 0 297
Article Jacquelyn Gentile · Apr 7, 2016 1m read Global Summit 2016 - Exploiting Java Interoperability Libraries Presenter: Maxim VershininTask: Easily extend your solution’s range of interoperabilityApproach: Build Java-only business services and business operations that exploit open-source Java libraries Problem: The title states the problem Open source java libraries exist for hundreds of protocols and formats. This session explains how you can easily build java only Business Services and Business Operations to that exploit these libraries to extend the range of interoperability.Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. #Java #Ensemble 0 0 0 322
Article Jacquelyn Gentile · Apr 7, 2016 1m read Global Summit 2016 - Free Your Developers from Data Definition Presenter: Louise ParberryTask: Reduce the need for skilled developers to define and normalize data from outside sourcesApproach: Use the Ensemble Record Mapper and other tools to automatically define comma-delineated and fixed-width data structures If you need skilled software developers to define and normalize data coming from business partners or customers, you probably have a backlog of unsatisfied requests. The record mapper and other tools allow analysts to define comma delimited and fixed width data structures without needing a developer and this session explains how this can be incorporated into an application to create an efficient and effective way to clear that backlog.Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. #Ensemble 0 0 0 214
Article Jacquelyn Gentile · Apr 7, 2016 1m read Global Summit 2016 - HS: New Extensions for Adding Custom Data Presenter: Tom SpencerTask: Add extra data to HealthShare’s data model and make it available to all HealthShare componentsApproach: Use new extensions within HealthShare to add custom data When deploying a HealthShare solution, you may need to add extra data to our SDA data model. In this session, we will present the new extension mechanism for adding data to HealthShare and to ensuring that data is available in Health Insight and Patient Index.Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. Please note that this content is available only to HealthShare customers and attendees of the Global Summit. On the learning web site you will be prompted for your Global Summit credentials to access this content. #HealthShare 0 0 0 283
Article Jacquelyn Gentile · Apr 7, 2016 1m read Global Summit 2016 - HS: Smart Programs and Alerts for Patient Cohorts Presenter: Randy PallottaTask: Automatically create cohorts of high-risk patients. Send them critical action alertsApproach: Use the new HealthShare features: “Smart Programs” and “Advanced Clinical Notifications” In this session, we will cover HealthShare "Smart Programs" and "Advanced Clinical Notifications" which allow you to automatically create cohorts of high risk patients in Health Insight and Information Exchange and to send critical actionable alerts. After this session, you should understand this new feature and how to configure a new program or alert.Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. Please note that this content is available only to HealthShare customers and attendees of the Global Summit. On the learning web site you will be prompted for your Global Summit credentials to access this content. #HealthShare 0 0 0 395
Article Jacquelyn Gentile · Apr 7, 2016 1m read Global Summit 2016 - Introduction to FHIR Presenter: Russell LeftwichTask: Understand the concepts of the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standardApproach: Discuss what FHIR is, and what it’s for This session will introduce the concepts of FHIR - Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources.Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. #HealthShare 0 0 0 276