I created a custom class for a process that does some basic manipulation to an HL7 message. I'd like to be able to write some debugging to the process event log. How would I do that?

I've tried ##class(Ens.Util.Trace).WriteTrace("system","HOSP.IHE.PDQProcess","MessageHeaderHandler","Discarding input message")

but I get a runtime error when I try that. I know this is pretty basic stuff, but any help would be appreciated.

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0 929

I"m doing a SQL insert in my BPL, one of the fields in my SQL table is an MSSQL TimeStamp. How do I get the date/time from my HL7 message and format it so that I can then insert it into my TimeStamp column in my SQL table? I've tried lots of different combinations.

I used CONVERT(DATETIME, substring(:request.GetValueAt("EVN:RecordedDateTime"),1,8)) to get just the date portion and it works, but I'd like the whole DateTime inserted into my TimeStamp field. This is an a BPL.


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0 1K

I would like to examine the contents of my OBX-5 field and not route the message if it contains alphabetic characters. I've tried various combinations of the Match and Contains functions, with no luck. Should I be using the COS ? operator or plaini regular expressions?


OBX-5 Contains "\D"

OBX-5 Contains "?.A"

OBX-5 Contains "[A-Z]"

0 17
0 1.5K

I've set up a Ens.Alert routing rule and would like to route alerts to different email groups based on business partner or alert group instead of relying on source config using Document.SourceConfigName. Is there a way to reference the business partner or alert group property in a routing rule?

0 5
0 571

Hi, folks. I have an HL7 SIU message inbound that is missing a few fields, such as patient ID and provider ID. I insert this HL7 message and a few of the fields into a SQL database. My SQL team then runs a stored procedure to retrieve the patient ID and provider ID and insert the found values into fields in the table. I would like to then do a select from the table, load the HL7 message and add the fields that were found by the SQL stored procedure into the HL7 message. I'm attempting to use a DTL to accomplish this.

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0 946

Hi Community. I have a vendor sending us X12 837 claims, they are sending a mixture of 4010 and 5010 formatted claims. Is there a way I can examine the file contents and determine the message format and route to two separate folders based on format (4010 vs 5010). I've tried setting up a record map, stream container and vdoc services and processes with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

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0 1.1K
· Aug 29, 2017
ad hoc sql service

Hi everyone, I have a SQL service that is working fine, except I don't want it to run on a schedule or continuously. I'd like to only run when requested. Run once and then stop until another request. Is there anyway to set up a service like that?

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0 421
· Aug 28, 2017
padding string in BPL

Hi folks, I'm trying to pad my patient MRN to 10 characters before I do a SQL lookup in my BPL. I've tried various approaches, and have not been successful.

When I add a "code" statement with the following code, I get an error as below.

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· Aug 24, 2017
Error on SQL update service

I have a simple SQL service that does a simple select from an SQL database. After the select, I do an update to set the ProcessedFlag to "Y" for yes, so my next pass doesn't select records already processed. The service works fine, except when it's done I get the error below, anybody know what is causing this error?

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0 353

I have a few productions that my developers named "TEST" and would ideally would like them to have more relevant names. Is there a way to rename a production? I tried exporting and deploying the production under a new name and it worked, but my new production is empty. Also I'd like to delete a production that is in a suspended state. When I attempt to delete the suspended production, I get errors that the production isn't stopped, so can't be deleted. I can't start it to clear the suspended status, either. I get the following error:

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0 1.2K