I guess it depends on which context you're referring to essential.

If you are working on a pure Cache environment you can probably go without the SQL layer. However, you need SQL to expose data to the world (e.g. reporting tools that can only connect through xDBC layer).

In terms for performance you can always make the case that SQL is slower when compared to direct global access, however SQL provides more "readability" for new (and not so new) developers since SQL is "standard" (or wider spread)  compared to ObjectScript.

My rule is to always chose SQL over direct global access unless the performance requirements can only be met by the latter. 

The 3 options yield the "same" results, however, depending on needs, one requires more work on your part than the other. With Relationships, for example, Cache automatically handles all referential integrity for you (foreign keys are automatically generated for you). Whereas the other options don't provide that and you're required (depending on your needs) to code  the referential checks (e.g. declare foreign keys). 

Parameters being passed to a SOAP operation are also defined as properties in the generated class. In your override method, the "proxy" parameter will have a property matching the name of Obj1 and Obj2 parameters. Given your example the following should work

Method override(proxy As %SOAP.ProxyDescriptor, tag As %String)



            W proxy.Obj1,!

             W proxy.Obj2,!

