We've got some web services that utilise EnsLib.SOAP.Service/EnsLib.REST.Service. These do some further requests to a few operations to call some other services and return the combined results.

An issue that we are noticing is that some of the usage involves users hitting the refresh button a few too many times and generating a lot of requests. This is mostly an issue when the service that the operations are calling are down or slow to respond. IRIS starts using a lot of RAM when this occurs and has caused outages by getting through an extra 50-60GB of RAM.

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· Apr 4, 2022
FTPS TLS session resumption

We are attempting to update some old FTP interfaces to use FTPS and having an issue with an outbound operation to a FileZilla server.

The connection to the the server works, however it fails to transfer files with the error "TLS session of data connection not resumed."

It appears that "TLS session resumption" is no longer optional in FileZilla Server, and I cannot find any details in the IRIS documentation about it.

Does IRIS support TLS session resumption, or know how to set up FTPS to a recent install of FileZilla Server?

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We are using IRIS, and have some systems that we send data to that cannot accept messages with certain fields larger than a particular size.

Is there any way to utilize the schema to truncate any fields that are larger than the entered data?

I've tried just setting the max lengths and doing the transform, but it puts in the entire string, and can't find a topic for it.

There are a large number of fields that need to be truncated, so it would be ideal to get it to respect the hl7 schema maximum lengths.

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