Question Frank Langel · Mar 29, 2020 Where do i find information regarding ObjectScript Internals (LLVM? interpreted?) Hi, please let me know where i find details on Objectscript internal implementation - is it an interpreted language ? - compiled into binary code (how - which compiler/toolchain ?) ? - support of LLVM ? thanks a lot Frank #Compiler #ObjectScript #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 4 0 411
Question Frank Langel · Mar 15, 2020 Able to create expression in Globals ? Hi, I like to validate some use cases and have the following question. I am relatively new to IRIS. Perhaps someone can help: 1. I have a global m[x,y,z,f] distributed across multiple sharded instances 2. I know that i can set assign computed SQL expressions to class variables using Objectscript 3. Is there a possibility in Globals API to do the same ? Set f = x + y as a computed expression in the global m[x,y,z,f] ? a. We would want to use the global API to change f programmatically using code #Globals #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 358
Question Frank Langel · Mar 14, 2020 Can IRIS do parallel data querying across multiple sharded server (code to data) Allow a question from a newbie 1. Lets assume we have a global (matrix) [X,Y,Z] that is distributed across sharded nodes2. Matrix size doesnt matter, but lets assume it holds 500 GB for the moment3. I want to return all rows where f(x,y,z) is true. f() is an arbitrary function, i.e. f = x + 20(y*y) > z #Sharding #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 287