While you are running the IAM setup script, provide the script with a public static IP addres for the host that IRIS (or IRIS container) runs on, and provide the IRIS web server port.

Then after you install IAM, while you are creating a service and sending requests, the IP address should be the address of the host that IAM is running on, and you use an IAM port for incomiong traffic, (e.g. 8000).

Here is documentation about IAM ports for version 3.4.

 And this video about installing IAM has more information: 

I installed telnet in an IRIS container using:

docker exec -u root -it <container-name> apt-get install telnet

Then tested it using:

docker exec -u root -it <container-name> telnet <target-ip> <target-port>

This requires your container to be networked with the target. So a full example:

    docker network create networkECP
    docker network connect networkECP iris-data-server
    docker network connect networkECP iris-app-1
    docker network inspect networkECP
    docker exec -u root -it iris-app-1 ping iris-data-server
    docker exec -u root -it iris-app-1 apt-get update && apt-get install telnet
    docker exec -u root -it iris-app-1 telnet iris-data-server 1972

Self-determination theory is a decent research-backed framework for discussing motivation. It would say that sharing your own interest is to help newcomers but ultimately it's up to them whether they internalize that interest.

more writing on it:



In VS Code, you can create a debugger launch configuration for your API endpoint. Set the "request" attribute to "attach" and the "processID" attribute to the job ID of the production component that services your API. Set breakpoints and run this configuration. Then when a request arrives, you can debug the service and endpoints while viewing the REST request contents.

Here is a reference video; example starts at 4:00.


Sergei's picture shows a menu located in the InterSystems View. The ISC logo for that view appears on the left of VS Code once you have a ObjectScript connection. You can configure Export settings, to an extent, as {objectscript.export: {}} in workspace or user settings.

See the README on the repository: https://github.com/intersystems-community/vscode-objectscript

And a few more learning materials: https://learning.intersystems.com/course/view.php?name=VSCodeRG