Does InterSystems IRIS will support Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition (Visual Basic)?

We are in the process of transitioning Intersystems Cache 2017 to Intersystems IRIS 2020 version.

For terminal based applications we can able to use the same DAT file used for Cache with minor changes.

For Web based we are using Visual studio 6.0(Visual Basic). Will IRIS supports Visual Studio 6?

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I am trying to install Intersystems IRIS Health Community On Windows 10 Pro version. I am getting 112 error while installing and in some point it Roll Back the Action.

But I am able to configure in Windows 10 Enterprise version.

Is any other settings are there to configure in Windows 10 Pro version or IRIS is not supported?

Please help me.

Thanks in advance.

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I want to use Single Sign On(SSO) in SAML tokens using SOAP. I need X.509 certificate.
Where can I get that certificates from a trusted source?
Is any other way to do SSO in Intersystem Cache 2017.
Can anyone please help me on this.

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I want to receive an EDI file through Applicability Statement 2(AS2) transport and send back the acknowledgement to AS2 using Cache ObjectScript.

Previously I used to transfers the EDI files using FTP.

Can anyone please help on this.

Thanks in advance.

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