· Sep 10, 2020

Error Condition CSP application closed the connection before sending a complete response.

Hi Team,

I am getting this error while i entered one field and hit search button. The screen spinning for few minutes and prompt this error.Error Condition CSP application closed the connection before sending a complete response. The job is still running in the backend. Is there anything wrong with this SQLQuery, S Select="SELECT * FROM Sample.Class"
S:EntryDate'="" Where=Where_" EntryDate = '"_EntryDate_"' AND"
S:Location'="" Where=Where_" Location ='"_Location_"' AND"
S:Brand'="" Where=Where_" Brand ='"_Brand_"' AND"
S:Model'="" Where=Where_" Model Like '"_Model_"%' AND"
S:LineNo'="" Where=Where_" LineNo Like '"_LineNo_"%'"
S:SortBy'="" OrderBy=" ORDER BY "_SortBy
s:SortBy="" OrderBy=" ORDER BY EntryTime ASC"
S:$E(Where,$L(Where)-3,$L(Where))=" AND" Where=$E(Where,1,$L(Where)-4)
S Qry=Select_$S($L(Where):" WHERE"_Where,1:"")_$S($L(OrderBy):OrderBy,1:"").

Thanks in Advance.


Mohana Priya V.

Discussion (1)0
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This means your query is taking a longer time to return the result back to your CSP application than what it expects.

I'd recommend you to verify why it's taking so long and optimize your query, but you can also ask the CSP gateway to wait for a longer period before it times out.

  // On OnPreHTTP callback method.
  set %response.Timeout = 900 // this will make your application wait for the response for 900 seconds.

Note that %response.Timeout will change the timeout for the current request only.