Hello All,

I am looking for some ideas from people who have automated alerting in place for their Ensemble or IRIS productions.

I want to start with basic things like, simply checking if a Production is up and running. Once this has been achived, I am looking to go deeper and implement monitoring on each interface level for things like, Queue Size, Errors and Inactivity.

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Hello All,

I am just wondering if there is any inbuilt function or utility available in IRIS to clean up "null" elements from JSON e.g. I want to remove "null" elements from payload below before I do any processing with it.


recipients: [

{ "name":"Utsavi", "email":"utsavi@gmail.com"},

{ "name":"Utsavi 1", "email":"utsavi1@gmail.com"},

null, null


content:[null, {"title":"Test.pdf", "data":"ygwehfbnwfbhew"} ]


Thanks & Regards,

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I am trying to work out if there are any methods available to be able import a result set returned by SQL query into a persistent class.

I have to connect to some legacy SQL databases through SQL Gateway and run some queries. I need to inster the rows returned into a class to then be able to do a %JSONExport to produce a JSON object. I know I can iterate through the resultset and insert one row at a time into the class but was wondering if there is any other/direct way of importing the resultset rows into a class.



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Hello All,

I am exploring Ens.Alert to generate alerts for Server exceptions.

I noticed that in the business operation, if you have your code inside try/catch and if your catch doesn't explicitly invoke $$$systemerror then Ens.Alert is not invoked.

Similarly, in the Business process if you have <catchall> then Ens.Alert is not invoked on error. How can I invoke Ens.Alert from <catchall> ?

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I am writing a POST API using IRIS. My POST API Endpoint invokes a Business Service -> Business Process -> Business Operation in an IRIS production .

I am trying to import the JSON payload into a JSON enabled class and work with the JSON class in my Business Process and invoke different Business operation(s) based on the data supplied. This works fine for simpler JSON schemas.

The POST API I am writing now needs to handle a complex schema. I.e. one of the Item on my JSON schema ("recipient") can be an array of "anyof" 5 different schemas.


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· May 13, 2021
Shout out to the Dev Community !

Hello All,

Just wanted to acknowledge the fact that this community has become a great resource for help. I have had many wonderful people helping me out with my questions in last couple of weeks. Thank you to all of you :)



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I am trying to find out if it is possible to decode the Azure access token in IRIS. Has anyone ever tried this before? I need to decode the token to extract the "Scope" details in order to verify the scope to make sure client is permitted to do the request they have done.

If you could point me to any information, that'd be great.

Thank you.


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Hello Everyone,

We are currently in process of implementing REST APIs using IRIS and we are also looking at using Intersystems API Manager.

Our aim is to implement a Microservices Architechture where Services are small in size, bounded by contexts, autonomously developed, and independently deployable.

We are following a spec first approach where we are first defining the API specs into Swagger Hub and using IRIS API Management Service to build the REST classes i.e. the Specification class, Dispatch class and Implementation Class.

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I am trying to figure out if we can extend a business process in IRIS. My Use Case is that I am developing RESTful Interfaces and my each REST Interface needs to go through certain processes before getting to the actual action.

e.g. I have 2 REST Interfaces, GetPatient and GetEncounter. Both of these need to invoke "GetToken" Business Operation to go to the Authentication server to get an authentication token before they go ahead and hit the Business Operation to Get the data i.e. Patient or Encounter.

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· Jan 5, 2021
#Job Opportunity

We are looking to hire a DevOps engineer with expertise in Intersystems Technologies like Ensemble and/or IRIS as essential.

Main responsibility of the Role will be to implement Version Control and automated CI/CD pipeline for code build and deployment via tools and automation scripts for the current Intersystems platforms within the organisation.

If interested please email your resume to utsavi.gajjar@mater.org.au

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