In the past what I have done is define a Web Application with a REST Dispatch class and in that class serialize the data from the JSON payload into a real message class with properties.  In this way the Business Service receives a request object with the properties defined and now the Message Viewer has the expected functionality.  This also means that the business service is not purlely a tied to REST.  Anyone that sends a proper pRequest object can use the business service.

The documentation link reports

When version checking is implemented, the property specified by VERSIONPROPERTY is automatically incremented each time an instance of the class is updated (either by objects or SQL). Prior to incrementing the property, InterSystems IRIS compares its in-memory value to its stored value. If they are different, then a concurrency conflict is indicated and an error is returned; if they are the same, then the property is incremented and saved.

I've used the VERSIONPROPERTY  parameter before and have observed that it is updated each time the object is saved.

The video talks about using the published APIs.  I assume this specifically referes to the APIs in the Security package.  My specific question is will we still be able to write SELECT statements against %SYS.Audit and will anything special need to be done to be able to do so.  Will we have to update users to add resources or grant permissions?

Might you be able to share the 2 sql statements and the query plans?

If you are running the queries in the System Management Portal there is a limit that you could set 

but I dont imagine that is the issue.

Where possible a COUNT(*) query could chose to use your indices and in theory your indices might be different from your table data but that would be highly suspicios under normal circumstances as the writing to the table and the indices are in a database transaction so it should have all been written or not.  

To your specific question

Is there something inherent with the queries that limits the result set size, or anything I can do to make sure I'm getting back all the results? Rather, than trying to run it about 100 times limiting all previously gotten accounts.

Again if you are running via the System Management Portal there are times I run the query with a limit of 100 for example and once the results are presented I select the Print hyperlink to run the entire query results to a file

I believe we can determine this by using

SELECT distinct SystemVersionNumber
FROM ZPM_Analytics.Event
where Action='install'
order by SystemVersionNumber

On our private registry we see the following



This is why we have been adovocating to have Username in the table ZPM_Analytics.Event as we create a Username for each one of our "clients" and can trace back who these install records are specifically for,

Edit.. for some reason I didnt see the above reply.

Given that you are extending Ens.BusinessProcess you have access to Ensemble/Interoperability.  If you are going down this path you might want to review RecordMaps which is a general purpose way of consuming data from files via a business service based on EnsLib.RecordMap.Service.FileService.  This will open the file, for each line create an instance of your RecordMap object and then if you define in the service the TargetConfigNames sent the Record as a message to commonly a business process.  In the busines process you will receive each line as a message object.  From there you can do what you like with it.

This could be a bit overkill if all you have is a single column in the file(just a column for ID) but is a general way of handling the ingestion of files.

I'm assuming folks from InterSystems have a more formal way of saying "you have a partner with InterSystems".  When the occasional crisis occurs, the support of many folks from WRC rally around your issue and see it to the end.  Having the ability to contact someone on the other end and resolve crisis issues is not something you are likely to get from other vendors.

Looking at your example class, and maybe its not practical as we aren't seeing the entire context of your real world usage but might you see better resuilts if you were using instead of a composite index on prop1, prop2, prop3 but rahter bitmap indices on prop1 as it seems like it is the field name and would have a suffeceintly small number of values, a bitmap index on prop2, and a traditional index on prop3.  

If you were to show the query plan that would also provide some insight.

I would imagine if you have a license from Intersystems you could install Cache, mount the DB, and then the next question is "Was the application developed back in 2017" with an SQL interface, ie are there SQL tables that exist for the database that you have?"  If so you could connect to the db via ODBC and extract the data.

If not then that's a much large endeavor as you would need to have the tables defined and depending on how much meta-data/documentation you have for the data that could be quite involved.