
I have a value in epoch time in which I need convert in order to be able to lookup a table that has dates in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

I thought the below would work but it is not.

select COUNT ('Arrival Time') FROM dbo.table where 'Arrival Time' < DATEADD(ms, CONVERT(int,LEFT(1603173432000, 20)), '1970-01-01 00:00:00')

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· Aug 1, 2019
DeepSee security issue

Hey Guys,

Have enabled DeepSee on my cache db via

Do EnableDeepSee^%SYS.cspServer(0)

I have created user with access to a profile with all the %Deep_See options (%DeepSee_Admin, %DeepSee_Analyzer etc etc) as well as %All. I have also added %All to unknownuser

When click the DeepSee page and choose a namespace Architect, Analyzer, Reporting Data Definition and Reporting Builder are all greyed out with 'you do not have privilege to view this page

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