So I think you're encoding it as an Authorization Header?  

In that case, you can extract this from

set Auth = %request.GetCgiEnv("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION")

then process this however you need to (for example if you have something like "Basic 123908109abc", this will unpack it and decode the Base64)

 set AuthType = $P(Auth," ",1)
  set AuthString = $P(Auth," ",2)
    set DecodeAuthString = $SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Decode(AuthString)
    set userid = $p(DecodeAuthString,":",1)
    set token  = $p(DecodeAuthString,":",2)

If you're iterating that would typically be done with a CURSOR.  Each fetch cycle would pop the new state of the variables in, in line with each row (make sure you check for SQLCODE while doing this, to determine if there is a row to fetch).

More documentation on this is at


Mixed my dynamic SQL methods there.  You would use rset.%Next to do this iteration in %SQL.Statement, but the general theory still holds


Hi Kishan

A method is attached to a specific instance of an Object class.  A Classmethod can be called without having to instantiate the object.

So, we could have a Method on a Person object to update address

do person.UpdateAddress("New address")

Whereas, for a ClassMethod, we could define a Classmethod to give us as object instance to then work on

set person = ##class(User.Person).CreatePerson("FirstName","LastName",Age)


Hope that helps?