go to post Chris Stewart · Jun 9, 2023 HALT will exit any running IRIS Terminal session (though I tend to use H instead as HALT can also stop a Linux machine if you have already exited the IRIS Terminal)
go to post Chris Stewart · Nov 8, 2022 A handy way to find the process is to check your lock table. These processes will typically take out a lock based on the Task ID. This can be used to find the process, examine it and kill it if required. It's also possible in some cases for the process to die and not update the task, and this can account for no processes matching this criteria
go to post Chris Stewart · Sep 16, 2022 Based on this error: SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure , you probably want to enable SSLv3 on your SSLConfig. It's showing as disabled in your screenshot
go to post Chris Stewart · Jul 22, 2022 This type of request is handled via your contract arrangements, so the best route is to engage your support service who will be happy to get you the assistance you require
go to post Chris Stewart · Jul 22, 2022 Hi Ramil This sort of request is handled by your account with Trakcare support. I would recommend you engage with your local support team using iService to proceed with this requirement
go to post Chris Stewart · Apr 7, 2022 If only seeing new data suits your use case, then you are probably ok with this approach. You may wish to look at %ValidateIndices() which I believe is present in Cache2018. This will allow an online check of the index state and can either report on mismatches, or be set to autorepair. It is MUCH slower than a %BuildIndices, but does not require a full freeze for safety https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY...
go to post Chris Stewart · Feb 18, 2022 Hi Token I think this might be case senstivity, try using %request.Content and see if that works better? Regards Chris
go to post Chris Stewart · Dec 15, 2021 Great new feature! Even more glad to hear there is no work required to use it after we upgrade
go to post Chris Stewart · Sep 8, 2021 HI Ben, I believe this is implemented specifically on each mail server and client, so there is no standard for it: See https://www.chilkatsoft.com/p/p_471.asp for details You can set these headers, but there's no guarantee the client or receiving server will take note of them HTH Chris
go to post Chris Stewart · Feb 23, 2021 Hi Julius Thanks for your comments, and you are correct in assessing this is for a specific use case (I'm migrating data between 2 structures and want to make sure the exported JSON is EXACTLY the same). For the first point, I really only care that all values in the source are also in the target. If I wanted to be thorough, I woudl run the compare in both directions, but since I'm expecting that the target will contain additional properties, I only need a 1 way compare) For the second point, I actually define the ordering of exporting of arrays explicitly, so I would expect a like for like compare. For other cases, additional logic would need to be added, as you pointed out For the last point, this should return a mismatch, which is good enough for my use case, but again, might not be ideal for other use cases
go to post Chris Stewart · Feb 18, 2021 That would be an easy adjustment to make. In my use case I'm also interested in knowing which fields are mismatching, and there may be multiple mismatches (hopefully not) per export
go to post Chris Stewart · Sep 24, 2018 HI StephenI beileve https://community.intersystems.com/post/rest-how-pass-query-parameters#a... has an example of thisThanksChris
go to post Chris Stewart · Sep 24, 2018 HI DennyTrakcare publishes it's CSPs as Deployed, so a standard install will not contain a user friendly way to view themHTHChris
go to post Chris Stewart · Sep 24, 2018 I wrote this tutorial some time ago https://community.intersystems.com/post/lets-write-angular-1x-app-cach%C...It covers making an AngularJS front end with a basic Cache REST backend
go to post Chris Stewart · Apr 23, 2018 If I'm writing something that will maybe run 2 or 3 times, and is less than 10 lines of code, I might use a .mac. For anything more than that, I would use a class, as the time saved in setup is pretty negligible compared to the rest of the work done
go to post Chris Stewart · Mar 2, 2018 Hi JayThis has happened a few times, and I've readded them a few times. I'll see if I still have the images handy and get them reattached again
go to post Chris Stewart · Feb 15, 2018 Could you try making the call with a REST client like RESTLet for Chrome, and seeing if the request comes through on that method?
go to post Chris Stewart · Feb 15, 2018 Try reading the Request data with this Set updateJSON = %request.Content.Read()Edited because I missed that you already tried this?