I don't know if this message is new, but under the disabled name fields there is a line that says "Your first and last names will be displayed to other users in posts, code packages, or comments you make. These values are set via the http://login.intersystems.com portal."

For starters, the http version of that site does not work.  However, if you go to https://login.intersystems.com you will get the portal but there is no spot I could find to change your name.  In TRC and CCR apps I can change my "Display Name" but it does not seem to affect other apps including this site.

What is the reason for not allowing it?

Reasons for allowing editing at any time: 

  1. I discover after the timeout period that I posted personally identifiable information.
  2. I post a confusing question and through a couple comments over a span of days realize the error.  I change the original post so that future readers don't experience the confusion.
  3. It's my content and I should be able to change it without a reason.


Reasons for allowing deletion of own posts:

  • I post a thread asking a question and immediately realize I just had a typo.  There is absolutely no need for the post to exist.
  • I post in the wrong group/community.
  • It's my content and I should be able to delete it without reason*


Reasons for allowing deletion of own comments:

  1. Someone asks a question and I post a comment that I later realize is stupid and embarrasing.  I could edit it, but why waste the space?
  2. I post a comment on the wrong topic (it happens)
  3. It's my content and I should be able to edit it without reason.


*Please note in my original post I suggested that  we could only delete posts we made that don't have any responses.  If someone else has taken the time to address my topic I have no right to delete their thoughts.

so I set iParticipant and iFeed manually in the console then literally pasted the contents of the method to the console and it works.


PHR>set iParticipant = "WMMC"
PHR>set iFeed = "IMM"
PHR>set k = iParticipant _ "_" _ iFeed
PHR>w "Looking up " _ k,!
Looking up WMMC_IMM
PHR>set x = ##class(Ens.Util.FunctionSet).Lookup("BlockFeed",k,"not found")
PHR>w "x = " _ x,!
x = 1

Can anyone explain why? 

I haven't gotten to the point where I'm trying these from Business Rules yet, I was just worried about it saying that I "Must mark them as [final]" but not being able to chain them without removing that.

I will continue working on it and if I do get an error when I get to that point I will post it.  If I don't, I guess I'll ignore the statement above.