

The principal difference is the healthcare interoperability features engineered into IRIS for Health, which are not relevant to other users of IRIS. These features include a full FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) server, and the ability to receive, transform, and route HL7v2 messages, which are widely used by healthcare providers. There are also other interoperability features in IRIS for Health such as handling different IHE profiles (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise),  which help healthcare professionals share information.


There are additional healthcare specific interoperability protocols, to learn more visit:



If you have a specific question about IRIS for Health, please reach out to me.

This may be overkill for your application, but managing access control is a perfect match for the capabilities of InterSystems API manager. There you can filter access by IP addresses, users, and groups. IAM provides a rich set of plugins for creating a security framework and much more. Check out this documentation: if you are interested:


InterSystems has extensive support for FHIR, including the newest version, R4. Here is a link:

You may also be interested in an upcoming Webinar in which we will explain how API management can be used with FHIR:

In terms of the other standards you mentioned, I am not aware of any specific support in the product. There are hundreds of protocols that exists, and we try to support the most popular and in-demand by our customers. Do you have a specific use case in mind for one of these other protocols?