You can use the Get and Modify methods in coordination with the Security.Resources:List() query (which allows wildcards). Here is some

untested code which will give you an idea of what you can do:

%SYS>s x=##Class(Security.Roles).Get("%developer",.Properties)
%SYS>zw Properties
Properties("Description")="A Role owned by all Developers"

;Now get the list of resources you want using a result set.

Set Rset = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("Security.Resources:List")
 '$$$ISOK(Rset) $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(%objlasterror) q
 Status=Rset.Execute("*") ; See class documentation of what you can use for wildcards here
 '$$$ISOK(Status) Do $System.OBJ.DisplayError(Status) q

s ResourceString=""

 While Rset.Next(.Status) {
 s Resource=Rset.Data("Name")
s ResourceString=ResourceString_Resource_":RW"_","


 '$$$ISOK(Status) Do $System.OBJ.DisplayError(Status) q
s ResourceString=$e(ResourceString,1,*-1) ; Remove trailing comma
;Now add to the existing resource string. Duplicates are ignored.

s Properties(Resources)=Properties("Resources")_","_ResourceString

;Now save it

s Status=##Class(Security.Roles).Modify("%developer",.Properties)